
  1. 柔性有机太阳能电池基板COC的表面物理化学性能研究

    Physicochemical Performance of COC Substrates for Flexible Organic Solar Cells

  2. OLEDIV测试系统,是一套设计用以深入测试OLED和有机太阳能电池功能性的设备,它拥有大驱动电压范围,以及高准确度的电流量测。

    IV Test System is designed for in-depth functionality testing of OLEDs and organic photovoltaics ( OPVs ) . Broad voltage range and high current measurement accuracy .

  3. 本文通过利用matlab编程,完成了一个有机太阳能电池理论模型的数值模拟,它可以清晰的展示出器件的电流电压特性、载流子密度分布等。

    This paper complete a numerical simulation of the theoretical model of an organic solar cell by using matlab , and it can be clearly demonstrated the current-voltage characteristics of the device , the carrier density distribution and so on .

  4. 这种结构的电池通常把ITO作为阴极,利用高功函数的金属作为阳极,利用半导体氧化物材料作为电子收集层,大大提高了有机太阳能电池在空气的稳定性。

    This type of devices usually used the ITO as the cathode , metals with high work function as the anode and the oxide semiconductor materials as the electron collecting layer , and demonstrated its dominant of stability in the air .

  5. 研究了ZnPc-TDA在有机太阳能电池中的应用,探究了有机活性层中PCBM的含量、退火处理和有机活性层薄膜厚度对电池性能的影响。

    Research the application in solar cells and explore the influence of PCBM content , annealing process and the organic active layer thin-film thickness on the photovoltaic device performance .

  6. 有机太阳能电池(OSCs)由于其在产品制造中具有的轻薄、柔性、易于在低温和非真空环境中大面积制备等特点,展示了其在商业应用中的广阔前景。

    Organic Solar cell ( OSC ) has demonstrated its broad commercial applications in the future due to its thin , flexible , easy-to-low temperature and large area of non-vacuum environment devices .

  7. 富勒烯稠合体与共轭聚合物作为有机太阳能电池材料的研究进展

    Advances in Organic Solar Cell Based on Fullerene-dyad and Conjugated Polymer

  8. 卟啉、酞菁类有机太阳能电池材料的研究进展

    Progress in the Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Types Organic Solar Cell Materials

  9. 聚合物有机太阳能电池器件的研究

    Research on Devices of Organic Solar Cells Based on Polymer

  10. 近年来,有机太阳能电池的研究得到了很大的进展。

    In recent years , organic solar cells research got great progress .

  11. 含富勒烯的D-A型有机太阳能电池材料的合成及其性质研究

    Synthesis and Properties of D-A Type of Organic Solar Cells Containing Fullerene

  12. 有机太阳能电池材料近期进展(下)

    Recent Development of Organic Solar Cell Materials (ⅱ )

  13. 沉积温度影响有机太阳能电池阳极薄膜结晶性能

    Deposition Temperature Influences on Crystallinity of Anode Thin Films of Organic Solar Cells

  14. 碳纳米管在有机太阳能电池中的应用

    Application of Carbon Nanotube in Organic Solar Cells

  15. 其次介绍了有机太阳能电池的发展情况和工作原理。

    Then we also introduced the development and work principles of organic solar cell .

  16. 有机太阳能电池光电参数的微机化自动测试系统

    An automatic test system with microcomputer for the photoelectric parameters of organic solar cells

  17. 体相异质结型有机太阳能电池的研究进展

    Research Progress of Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell

  18. 有机太阳能电池活性层的材料一般包含电子给体和电子受体材料两大类。

    In general , the active layer of OSCs is composed of electron-donating and accepting materials .

  19. 但同时有机太阳能电池也面临着效率低、寿命短的问题。

    However , organic solar cells suffer from the issue of low efficiency and short life .

  20. 全固态有机太阳能电池

    The Solid Organic Solar Cell

  21. 同时,本部分工作也为有机太阳能电池的大面积制备工艺提供了技术基础。

    These experiments may provide the technical foundation for the organic solar cells with a large area .

  22. 利用噻吩来修饰卟啉并应用于有机太阳能电池的报道比较少。

    There are only a few reports about organic solar cells based on porphyrins modified by thiophene .

  23. 其中,有机太阳能电池由于其制备简单、重量轻、成本低等优点受到广泛关注。

    Orgainc solar cells have been widely investigated due to its simple preparation , light weight and low cost .

  24. Rubrene/C(60)结有机太阳能电池的阳极改性及偏压处理研究

    Study of anode modification and bias voltage treatment on organic solar cells with rubrene / c_ ( 60 ) heterojunctions

  25. 本论文在此方面的初步研究工作为卟啉-苝酰亚胺分子阵列材料在有机太阳能电池方面的研究提供了基础。

    Preliminary research work in the respect provide basis for study in application of porphyrin-perylene arrays in organic solar cells .

  26. 有机太阳能电池由于生产成本低廉、制作方法简单、可大规模生产而受到广泛关注。

    Organic solar cells have attracted great attentions because of their cheap production cost , easy fabrication and large-scale manufacture potential .

  27. 这也充分说明,发展新型有机太阳能电池小分子材料具有非常广泛的发展空间。

    That is to say the research of new small molecule materials for organic photovoltaic cells has very wide development space .

  28. 碳纳米管具有极高的电荷传输性能,已被广泛地用于有机太阳能电池的制备中。

    Carbon nanotubes have very high charge transfer property , have been widely used in the preparation of organic solar cells .

  29. 实验中发现,不同粒径的银纳米颗粒对有机太阳能电池的影响是不同的。

    The results show that the influences on the polymer solar cells caused by the sizes of the silver nanoparticles are different .

  30. 研究表明,银纳米颗粒薄膜的表面等离子体特性能够有效的增强有机太阳能电池的光学吸收,提高电池的光电流。

    It has been proved that the surface Plasmon of nano-silver island films can enhance the absorption and photo current of organic photovoltaics effectively .