
  • 网络There is a person
  1. 他们还不知道这份命运,但就在某处,有一个人他们终将深深牵挂。

    Neither one knows it yet , but somewhere out there is a person they are bound to care deeply about .

  2. 有一个人,你会祈求你们一辈子是朋友而不是恋人。

    There is a person , you will pray for you for a lifetime is friend , not lovers .

  3. 他们其中有一个人可能是杀人凶手。

    One of these men may have been the murderer .

  4. 这两个女人当中有一个人错了。

    One or other of the two women was wrong .

  5. 他们当中有一个人受到了假处决。

    One of them was subjected to a mock execution .

  6. 有一个人被认为独一无二。

    There 's one man who 's considered irreplaceable .

  7. 我实在告诉你们,你们中间有一个人要卖我了。

    Verily I say unto you , that one of you shall betray me .

  8. 得有一个人在他们当中进行仲裁。

    Someone must arbitrate between them .

  9. 能有一个人而非电脑向你伸出援手,对于对抗孤独感是非常重要的。

    Having a person , instead of a computer , reach out to you is particularly important in combating that sense of isolation .

  10. 从前,有一个人叫郑。

    Once upon a time , there was a man called Zheng .

  11. 秦国时期,有一个人叫商鞅。

    In the state of Qin ( ) , there was a man called Shang Yang .

  12. 如果我们的生日快到了,你希望至少有一个人能用一张漂亮的卡片祝贺你吗?

    If our birthday is coming soon , do you wish that at least one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then ?

  13. 每十个人中就有一个人是左撇子,但这是为什么呢?

    Around one in ten of us is left-handed - but why ?

  14. 当时有一个人,用梨打他的头,打了两三次,每一次都把他的头打得受伤、破裂。

    Some came along and hit his head with pears several times .

  15. 从前有一个人,容貌、举止端正,富有智慧,又有很多钱财。

    There was a rich man who was both good-looking and wise .

  16. 有一个人因为所有的头发都掉光了,便戴上了一顶假发。

    A man who had lost all his hair took to wearing a wig1 .

  17. 从前,有一个人买了一只鹦鹉,让它在房子里自由自在地生活。

    A man once bought a parrot and gave it the run of his house .

  18. 在杀人犯再次出击之前,必须有一个人争分夺秒地解开谜团。

    One man must race against time to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again .

  19. 宋国有一个人,喜欢奉承别人。

    There was a man of the State of Song who liked to curry1 favour with others .

  20. 不久,因为更加感到寒冷难忍,有一个人走上前来

    Presently , with the arrival of a keener sense of cold , one figure came forward .

  21. 从今天起,有一个人已经成年,她的美貌超越了你。

    My queen , on this day , one has come of age , fairer even than you .

  22. 我刚一进去,就有一个人从一间侧屋里出来,我马上认出他就是高个约翰。

    As I entered , a man came out of a side room and I knew immediately he must be Long John .

  23. 村子里有一个人,脚上生疮,流血流脓,痛得难以忍受,不停地呻吟着。

    A man in a village had a sore on his foot which bled and oozed1 pus . He couldn 't bear the pain and moaned without stop .

  24. 每20个人中就有一个人被认为有人格障碍。例如,这会使他们过度焦虑或偏执,使正常的生活变得困难。

    One in twenty people is thought to have a personality disorder1 , which can make them over-anxious or paranoid , for example , and normal life difficult .

  25. 又有一个人过来了,他也把硬币丢进电脑秤里,屏幕上显示:“你的体重是184磅,你已经离婚了,你将要去往芝加哥。”

    Another man put in a quarter and the computer read : " You weigh 184 pounds , you 're divorced and you 're on your way to Chicago . "

  26. 有一个人即将要出门远行,他吩咐仆人说:“你好好守着门,并且看管住大门和驴子。”

    A man was about to go away on a long journey . He told his servant , " You keep an eye on the gate and look after the donkey . "

  27. 有一个人来到楚国王宫,把一种长生不死的药交给守卫官,请他敬献给国王。

    There was , a man who came to the palace of the State of Chu and gave the guard a kind of medicine for immortality2 to be presented to the king .

  28. 楚国,有一个人煮好了猴子肉,邀请邻居一起来吃,并且告诉他说:“这是狗肉。”

    In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him . He told his neighbour : " This is dog meat . "

  29. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪儿去啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked : " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  30. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪里啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked , " Where are you taking the ox ? "