
  1. 在DCS中,对绘图数据不仅需要有矩形截幅功能,而且还常常碰到需要进行任意多边形截幅的情况。

    In DCS , both rectangle clipping and arbitary polygon clipping functions are needed .

  2. 采用的诊断方法有帕雷托截集法、雷达分析法和目标挑战模型法。

    Adoptive diagnosis methods contain Pareto Intercept , Radar Analysis , and Target Challenge Model .

  3. 设M是一个m维黎曼流形,H~n是标准的双曲空间,它有常数截曲率-1。

    Let M be an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold , H ~ n be the standard hyperbolic space with constant sectional curvature-1 . In this paper we will study isometric minimal immersions of M into H ~ n , and obtain the main results as follows .

  4. 结论改良截石位摆放方法有利于减少截石位术后并发症的发生。

    Conclusion The improved method for lithotomy position can reduce the postoperative complications .

  5. 结果表明,彗星过滤器有良好的截污能力和恢复性能。

    The performances of UF membrane elements from different plants have also been tested .

  6. 你说有三个人截停了你?

    You said three guys jumped you ?

  7. 首先构造有界横截函数,定义出相应的光滑嵌入目标子流形。

    A bounded transverse function is firstly constructed , by which a corresponding smooth embedded submanifold is defined .

  8. 据华尔街消息,股市开盘后小幅走低,有报道指截尔和斯马克的收益让投资者大失所望后,这两家公司的股价均有所下跌。

    Stocks opened slightly lower on Wall Street , Dell and Smucker falling after their earnings reports disappointed investors .

  9. 可实现的功能有掘进机截割断面尺寸的控制;截割机构常见故障的监测显示和报警;记忆截割。

    The functions can be realized are the control of section size and display and alarm monitoring the fault of cutting mechanism and Memory cutting .

  10. 红木家具的故事,如数家珍,中国自古就有以玉截德、厚德载物的传统,睹物思情,红木家具早已超越了单纯实用的功效,而是负载了更深、更大、更美的文化内涵。

    As a carrier of traditional Chinese culture values , redwood furniture conveys deep grand cultural connotations , which is far beyond its practical functions .

  11. 结果自体神经移植体修复神经缺损后,再生神经的数目、有髓神经纤维截面积、运动神经传导速度均优于端侧吻合的外膜、束膜开窗组(P0.05);

    Results The cross area of myelinated nerve fibres , axon numbers , motor nerve conduction velocity were significantly better in group A than in group B or C ( P 0.05 ) .

  12. 结果X线片上A组至8周时仍未出现连续的骨痂,B组和C组分别在8周和4周时有骨痂连接截骨断端。

    Results Radiographically , the distracted area in group B and group C was bridged by callus respectively at the 8th week and 4th week after the 2nd surgery , while union was not noticed in group A by the 8th week .

  13. 有一辆双截巴士正开过来

    There 's a double dutch bus coming down the street

  14. 方法:1987年9月~2000年3月共收治先天性上尺桡关节连接的患者18例,手术方式有尺桡骨上段截骨、肌腱转位术;尺、桡骨旋转截骨术;

    Methods : Eighteen cases of congenital proximal radio-ulnar joint synostosis treated surgically from 1987 to 2000 were studied retrospectively .

  15. 当时,里特看到胡德的车尾灯坏了,觉得有可疑,就截停胡德的汽车。接着,胡德从车里跳出来,跑进了森林。

    The officer had earlier stopped the suspect 's car because of a broken taillight when Hood , jumped from his car and ran into the woods .

  16. 在一般网络中,节点和边都有容量的最小截、最大流问题很容易转化为仅边有容量的问题。

    The minimum cut problem and maximum flow problem with both node and edge capacities in general networks can be easily reduced to the problem with only edge capacities .

  17. 电生理检测和图像分析显示实验组和对照组的神经传导速度和有髓神经轴突总截面积均无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There were not significant difference in electrical impulse conduction velocity through the neural regenerates and cross-sectional area of myelinated axons between the experimental and control sides ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 因此对采煤机截割部的动力学问题的研究不仅有助于改善截割部自身的动力学性能,而且也是研究采煤机其它部分的动力学行为的基础。

    The study of dynamic problems of the shearer not only helps the improvement of its dynamic property , but the base of dynamic behavior study of other parts of the coal mining machine .

  19. 采煤机螺旋滚筒端盘齿座,常因严重磨损而失效,其主要原因是斜切进刀过程中有部分煤粉被截到下来,这部分煤与端盘齿座摩擦的缘故。

    The top-disc tooth holder in spiral cylinder of the coal-winning machine often lose its effectiveness caused by serious wear , which is mainly produced between the topdisc tooth holder and parts of coal powder cut off in the course of oblique cutting .

  20. 根据岩心观察和粒度等资料,工区内发育有丰富的浅湖风暴沉积,主要有截切构造、渠模、丘状交错层理和冲刷面等典型的风暴成因构造。

    On the basis of core observation , grain analysis and the other data , the work area develops abundant tempestites , and the main types of tempestite sedimentary characteristics have been identified , including truncated structure , gutter cast , hummocky cross-stratification and scouring surface .