
  • Array;Array;Array
  1. 对于望远镜头来说这木有问题,但是用超广角镜头时,所涵盖的部分极化效果差异巨大。

    This is no issue with a tele lens , however with a super wide you are sweeping such a broad expanse that the polarizing effect will vary greatly across the sky .

  2. 虽然斯特芬博士确认到目前为止航空业对他的方法还木有兴趣,但他指出理论上完全可行。

    Although Dr Steffen admits that the airline industry has shown no interest in his method so far , he points out that , in principle , there should be no barriers to its adoption .

  3. 木有本,水有源。

    Every tree has its roots and every river has its source .

  4. 水有源,木有本。

    A stream has its source , a tree has its root .

  5. 偶们创办3A时木有神马计划,只有一个念头,想做些玩具。

    When we started3A , there was no plan , just an idea to make some toys .

  6. 答:虽说暂时还木有什么官方滴消息,毕竟现在最大滴同时也是最后滴障碍已经扫除咯:CBS已经签约了!

    Ausiello : While there 's nothing official to report yet , a major and perhaps final hurdle has been cleared : CBS has signed off on the deal .

  7. aesthetism唯美主义。王道有木有!!!【参考译文】晚上好。我的名字是帕姆·琼斯,和现代舞蹈俱乐部的代表,我想欢迎你到今晚的节目。

    My nameis Pam Jones , and on behalf of the Modern Dance club , I 'd like to welcome you to tonight 's program .

  8. 中国,你卖的那些玩意儿收到钱木有啊?

    China , Who paid you off and with what ?

  9. 木有生发伸展的性质。

    Wood has the nature of growing freely and unfolding .

  10. 我只是想知道这纠结的专业今年新生有中国人木有

    I know no CS major with this option around me

  11. 不知各位大侠有木有碰到这种情况啊。

    If you heroes have encountered such a situation .

  12. 木有这位吸血鬼少女杀手,这张性感男人的列表当然是不会完整的。

    What list of sexy men would be complete without the New Moon heartthrob ?

  13. 戴上一副墨镜之后再看看你的脸——马上变对称了有木有!

    Put on a pair of sunglasses , and voil à - instant symmetry !

  14. 我希望你“木有”在忙呢。

    I hope you weren 't in the middle of a " Thang . "

  15. 米国人民,天大的好消息有木有!

    Ah , good news US fellas !

  16. 时间:高压锅40分钟;普通锅2小时。口水要出来了有木有!

    Cooking time : 40 minutes in a pressure cooker ; 2 hours in an ordinary pot .

  17. 贵州自然分布的古树名木有161种,隶属于52科100属。

    There are 161 species , 100 genera , and 52 families of ancient and famous plants in Guizhou .

  18. 谢尔顿:我对大富翁的新奇版本木有兴趣,人家就喜欢经典的:标准版和克林贡版。

    Sheldon : I don 't care for editions of Monopoly . I prefer the classics : regular and Klingon .

  19. 所以,与其老是说你木有时间做这个或那个,还不如停止刷信息吧!

    So , instead of saying you don 't have time to do this or that ... stop checking the news .

  20. 南美西南、新西兰和新苏格兰一种高雅的树种,常绿树叶,有光泽,木有香气。

    Any of several attractive trees of southwestern South America and New Zealand and New Caledonia having glossy evergreen leaves and scented wood .

  21. 我们让我们的玩家一边玩游戏一边听从来木有听过的新鲜音乐。

    We try to select tracks that nobody has heard to offer our consumers a fresh sound to listen to while playing the game .

  22. 我假定你是一个有权居住在美国的纯粹的美国人,木有法西斯分子。

    I assume you 're a native american who has every right to be in America and not actually some fascist on occupied land .

  23. 偶刚刚醒尸,写这个滴时候还木有喝咖啡,所以可能木有神马条理,也许偶永远都木有条理,但偶还素很高兴!

    I have just woken up , coffee-less while writing this , so may make no sense , it may never do , but Im happy to be here !

  24. 而男人的梦想好像与女人木有什么关系,男人更喜欢把银子花在交通运输工具或者高科技产品上,俗话说“车是男人的小老婆”这话其实一点儿都不假啊!

    The two lists are fascinating-women seem to love the idea of owning designer fashion items , but have also included a few things which would make their home more stylish .

  25. 有谁知道养老基金在股市和债券市场投资了啊?若是木有这些,木有的政府和工会工人能得到养老金?

    Does anyone know that pension funds are heavily invested in stocks ( bank stocks included ) and bonds and without them no govt or union worker would a pension worth anything ?

  26. 这里是健身中心和研发大楼,这个地方专门用来做测试,里面木有员工。

    Fitness center and some R & D facilities , these are just things that where we do testing and we need some buildings to test in and there 's hardly any people in them .

  27. 商场保安说,他们在录像中看到这只两脚直立的奶牛把26加仑价值约92美元的牛奶放进购物车,然后木有付钱,直接推了出去。

    On two feet , security guards inside the store said the upright cow was caught on video tape placing 26 gallons of milk - about $ 92 worth of the moo-cow juice - into a shopping cart , and then simply rolled it out of without paying .

  28. 比如,想要知道最近的厕所在哪儿、机场怎么走、现在几点了、附近有没有不错的餐厅……再也不用一遍遍翻出词汇小本了,统统信手拈来有木有?

    For example , wouldn 't it be helpful to know how to find the nearest toilet , where the airport is , what the time is and where is the best restaurant to grab a bite to eat without having to reach for your phrase book every time ?

  29. 与B组比较,缺血后3d,C组平衡木试验有显著性差异(P<005);

    After 3 days by operation , balancing wood test of group C was better than that of group B ( P < 0 05 );

  30. 在杨木表面有钙原子的存在;

    Furthermore , there was calcium atom in the surface of Poplar .