
mù liào
  • wood;timber
木料 [mù liào]
  • [timber;lumber;wood] 准备用于或构成一个建筑物的部分的一块较大的方木或修整过的块木

  • 房顶木料

  1. 施工人员将不得不另外用木料加固现有的托梁。

    The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber .

  2. 从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料。

    These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .

  3. 屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫害。

    The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack .

  4. 这不能把木料粘贴在金属上。

    It cannot be used to bond wood to metal .

  5. 这个工具是用来加工木料的。

    This tool is used for shaping wood .

  6. 这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的。

    All the furniture was made of wood .

  7. 抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。

    The dark polished wood shone like glass .

  8. 有潮湿的木料和机油的气味。

    There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil .

  9. 她被困在一堆乱七八糟的木料和树枝中间。

    She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches .

  10. 木料被锯成大块的薄板。

    The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer

  11. 只用上好的木料和饰面板。

    Only the finest timbers and veneers are used .

  12. 最近我从一棵冬青树上弄了些木料。

    I recently acquired some wood from a holly tree

  13. 这些箱子应该用粗锯木料来做。

    The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber

  14. 现有的木料进行了替换或翻新。

    Existing timbers are replaced or renewed

  15. 你就可着这块木料做吧。

    You 'll have to make do with this timber .

  16. 这木料上到处是凹坑,需用砂纸打磨一下。

    The wood is full of pits and needs sanding .

  17. 这种木料松,做家具不合适。

    The wood is too soft for making furniture .

  18. 这木料发泡。

    This wood is spongy .

  19. 我家乡的房子过去多由木料制成。

    The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood .

  20. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。

    You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal .

  21. 这块木料只有一边儿光滑。

    Only one side of this piece of wood is smooth .

  22. 这种木料不吸油漆。

    This wood will not accept oil paints .

  23. 这种木料的一个特点是容易锯开。

    One quality of this kind of timber is that it can be sawn easily .

  24. 以木料为基础的产品,如胶合板和碎料板,也必须用防腐剂处理。

    Wood-based products , such as plywood and chipboard , must also be treated with preservatives .

  25. 一些村民用木料把房子分成了三间教室。

    Some villagers divided the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood .

  26. 木料收缩,结果围墙露出缝来

    Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence .

  27. 本木料一旦植入,将通过一系列物理化学过程进一步有效降低碳量

    Once installed the wood at further reducing carbon through the sequestering process .

  28. 这种木料受潮容易变形

    This wood warps easily in damp conditions .

  29. 工之侨得到一块优质的桐木料,用它制作了一把琴,安上琴弦,一弹,发出金玉一般的声音,和谐悦耳。

    Gong Zhiqiao obtained a piece of fine Chinese tung wood and made a qin ( stringed musical instrument ) out of it . When installed with strings1 and plucked , it gave out a wonderful sound , harmonious2 and pleasing to the ear .

  30. 63岁的凯尔科纳(JimKelchner)管理着一座木料场,房地产泡沫破灭时,他丢了工作。

    Jim Kelchner , 63 years old , lost his job when the housing bust triggered the closing of the lumber yard he managed .