
mìng zhòng
  • hit;hit the target;score;score a hit
命中 [mìng zhòng]
  • (1) [hit]∶射中目标;击中

  • (2) [score]∶成功的一击

命中[mìng zhòng]
  1. 导弹弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。

    The missile warhead hit the target , effecting a nuclear explosion .

  2. 命中率试验方法研究

    Study of the Trial Method About Rate of Hit the Target

  3. 他命中了靶心。

    He scored a bullseye .

  4. 裁判判罚点球,齐达内操刀命中。

    The ref gave a penalty and Zidane scored .

  5. 导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。

    The guidance systems didn 't work and the missile couldn 't hit its target .

  6. 他打出最后一枪,但又未命中。

    He fired the final shot but missed again .

  7. 神射手也有不能命中的时候。

    A good shooter may miss .

  8. 子弹命中目标。

    The bullet hit home .

  9. 这些导弹可精确地命中目标。

    These missles can be fired with pinpoint accuracy .

  10. 王梅真镇定!在比赛还剩七秒中时,她成功命中了一个三分球,扳平了比分!

    Wang Mei had ice in her veins ! With seven seconds left , she managed to hit a three-pointer and tied the game !

  11. 研究表明Web缓存命中率可以达到30%-50%。

    Researches show that the hit ratio of web caching can attain 30 % - 50 % .

  12. 研究和构造一个可扩展性好及请求命中率高的Web缓存系统。

    The paper has its aim to study and construct Web caching systems with better scalability and higher hit rate .

  13. 缓存命中率表示执行get的次数与错过get的次数的百分比。

    The cache hit ratio tells you the percentage of times you are performing a get versus the number of times that get misses .

  14. 本文主要研究了多处理机系统中访问cache不命中的平均情况。

    This paper studies cache miss in multiprocessor systems .

  15. 试验表明,此算法明显改善了cache命中率和平均响应时间。

    Experiment indicates that the algorithm greatly improves cache hit rate and average response time .

  16. URL列被设为“Key”列,因为它可以区分返回的每条搜索命中结果。

    The URL column is set to be the " Key " column because it can distinguish each search hit returned .

  17. 通过运用时间戳来有效地监控Cache的命中率,以此来动态地配置SRAM/Cache的容量。

    Use timestamps to effectively monitor the Cache hit rate , in order to dynamically configure SRAM / Cache capacity .

  18. 多次胸腔穿刺术的改进武器间接命中条件下FRP约束混凝土抗多次打击能力

    Experimental study of resisting multi-hitting capacity on FRP confined concrete on condition of indirect damage by weapons

  19. 数组变换是改善循环数据访问局部性,提高Cache命中率的重要方法。

    Array transformation is an important technology to improve the data access locality of loop and optimize the cache hit rate .

  20. 首先基于硬件性能监视获取cache不命中次数,设计并实现了一种测试程序;

    Firstly , the micro-benchmark program based on performance data of cache missed times of hardware performance monitoring is designed and implemented .

  21. 双CCD交汇测量系统在检测武器的弹着点及命中概率等方面的应用是十分广泛的。

    It is very widely that two liner array CCD intersection measuring system is applied in measurement of bullet coordinate and shoot probability .

  22. Cache的最近最少访问替换算法是1种平均命中率高的常用的算法。

    The lately least visiting substitution algorithm of Cache is a kind of commonly used algorithm , because this algorithm has high probability of hits .

  23. 此外,DynamicQueryMode包含一个细粒度元数据和单元数据缓存(即一个tricklefed)以及一个比以前更高的缓存命中率。

    In addition the Dynamic Query Mode contains a fine grained metadata and cell data cache which is trickle fed and a higher cache hit ratio than was previously possible .

  24. 阐述了协方差分析描述函数法(CADET)的主要内容,并结合一战术导弹非线性模型,展示了CADET法在导弹命中概率评估中的应用。

    The main contents of Covariance Analysis Description Function Technique are interpreted .

  25. 研究雷达间歇辐射对抗反辐射导弹(ARM)的作战效能,提出了以平均侦察时间和命中概率作为效能指标的方法。

    The operational effectiveness of radar intermittent radiation antagonizing ARM is researched . The method of using average detecting time and shot probability as the operational effectiveness measurements is offered .

  26. 同时,在此框架基础上,RTP传送模块针对缓存是否命中的情况对RTP数据包进行相应的处理。

    At the same time , RTP transfer module can deal with the RTP packets according to their inquiry results .

  27. 但是在命中servlet之前,另外一个JavaScript函数将创建相似的“旋转器”图标,其表明正在进行的活动。

    But right before the servlet is hit , another JavaScript function will create the familiar " spinner " icon , which indicates ongoing activity .

  28. 为提高XXX目标命中精度,必须严格控制其轨控发动机的推力偏心。

    To overcoming those problems , the eccentricity of the trajectory-controlled engine thrust must be controlled strictly .

  29. 战士使魔(77):一段时间增量召唤兽了最大HP,HP回复,物理防御,物理攻击,攻击速度,命中率。

    Warrior Servitor ( 77 ): Increases summon 's max HP , HP regen , P.def , P.atk , atk speed , accuracy for a period of time .

  30. 同时,还对一个完整的Tag体做了详细的SPICE模拟,重点分析了判命中电路。

    Simultaneously , deeply SPICE simulation on the entire Tag design is applied , and we focus on the simulation and analysis of the hit judgment circuit .