
mìng lìng shì
  • injunctive;imperative mood;commanding;commanding tone
命令式 [mìng lìng shì]
  • [injunctive;commanding tone] 命令的语气或表达它的一个动词形式

命令式[mìng lìng shì]
  1. 但仍存在一些较为生硬、命令式的语言表达,个别医学术语表述存在错误。

    But there were still some rigid and commanding expressions , and incorrect-used medical terminology .

  2. 你那命令式的口吻激怒了他。

    Your commanding tone irritated him .

  3. 她指责她的律师对待委托人的命令式态度。

    She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients .

  4. 命令式语言的高阶Action演算表示

    Representing imperative language in higher-order action calculus

  5. 这种命令式的绘图模型更类似于OpenGL风格的绘制,而不是声明性的Web。

    This model of imperative graphics owes much more to OpenGL-style drawing than to the declarative Web .

  6. 似乎与C语言一样具有单调命令式和括号的语言都可以使用不同的范式形成。

    It seems like the drab world of C-like , imperative , curly braces languages might be spiced up by a variety of paradigms .

  7. 这意味着命令式的语言,如VB和C,能调用主要为F创建的函数化函数库。

    This means imperative languages like VB and C # can call functional libraries created primarily for F # .

  8. XSLT也依赖于模式:它是一种模式匹配语言,而Java™和C语言是命令式语言。

    XSLT also depends on patterns : It 's a pattern-matching language , whereas the Java ™ and C # languages are imperative languages .

  9. 我编写了示例Java类,来使其更具功能性,然后开始进入其他主题,来区分函数式编程与传统命令式语言。

    I rewrote a simple Java class to make it more functional , then began delving into some topics that set functional programming apart from using traditional imperative languages .

  10. 我不在乎代码到底是命令式的还是函数式的,我也不在乎它到底是合乎Scala的规范,还是只把它当作无分号的Java来用,我只在乎它是不是好理解。

    I don 't care whether code is imperative or functional , or is idiomatic Scala or Java-without-semicolons , I only care whether it 's readable .

  11. 与之相对的编程范例是命令式编程语言,比如Perl或Java,这类语言依赖于在执行期间应用程序状态的改变。

    The contrasting programming paradigm is the imperative programming language , such as Perl , or Java , which rely on changing the state of the application during execution .

  12. 一旦你习惯了新的绑定、触发器及动画支持,你就很难回到老风格命令式的、事件驱动的UI编程方法。

    Once you get used to the new bind , trigger and animation support , it is hard to go back to the old style of imperative , event-driven UI programming .

  13. 命令式的并行处理是基于并行版本的Do、For和For-Each操作。

    Imperative parallelism is based on parallel versions of Do , For , and For-Each .

  14. BCPL是MartinRichards在剑桥大学开发的一种命令式语言,是B语言的一个前身,后来该语言发展为我们现在使用的C语言。

    BCPL was an imperative language developed by Martin Richards at the University of Cambridge and was a precursor to the B language that evolved into the C language we use today .

  15. 然而,Haskell语言的某些特性可能令来自OO或命令式语言的人们敬而远之。

    However , some features of this language may be a source of reluctance for people coming from OO or / and imperative programming .

  16. 这与命令式编程是相反的(例如,操作DOM或JAXBAPI的Java代码),询问的是用户想要如何实现他们想做的事。

    This is as opposed to imperative programming ( ex : Java code working with the DOM or JAXB APIs ) which asks the user how they want to do what they want to do .

  17. 由于Rake提供了一套完整的命令式编程环境,有些在Ant里实现起来很繁琐(或者不写自定义Ant任务几乎无法实现)的事情在Rake中就变得轻而易举了。

    Since Rake gives a full imperative programming environment there are some things that are trivial to do in Rake which are cumbersome ( or impossible without writing a custom Ant task ) in Ant .

  18. Ocaml被选中的一部分原因是,它支持函数式、命令式和面向对象的混合编程风格。

    OCaml as was chosen a basis in part because it supports a mix of functional , imperative , and object-oriented programming styles .

  19. 若要通过命令式或声明式安全性进行安全检查,必须对适当构造的principalpermission对象生成一个安全请求。

    To cause the security check to occur using imperative or declarative security , a security demand for an appropriately constructed principalpermission object must be made .

  20. 本文使用简单的命令式语言IMP的语法,首先给出了repeat-until循环语句的操作语义,然后详细推导出了其指称语义,并在此基础上详细证明了它们二者之间的语义等价性。

    Using syntax of IMP , the operational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is given first , then the denotational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is deduced , and finally the equivalence of them is proved in detail .

  21. 那最后,这三个命令式做什么的呢?

    And then finally , this number three command does what ?

  22. 俄语动词命令式的特殊情态意义

    The special model meanings of the imperative forms in russian verbs

  23. 狮子你的伴侣自大傲慢,命令式的举动。

    A. Lion - Your partner 's arrogance and authoritative behavior .

  24. 欲望与嫌恶所用的语言是命令式的。

    The language of desire , and aversion , is imperative .

  25. 我发动了汽车,忽然黛西命令式地喊道:等等

    As I started my motor Daisy peremptorily called : " Wait !"

  26. 显要的官员;统帅命令式的风格。

    An important official ; the captain 's authoritative manner .

  27. 这类词带有强制性和命令式的色彩。

    This kind of expression contains coerciveness and commanding colors .

  28. 如果XSLY是一个套筒扳手,那么命令式语言就是锤子。

    If XSLT is a socket wrench , imperative languages are hammers .

  29. 它们提供了命令式语言通常不提供的一些工具。

    They provide some tools that imperative languages usually don 't.

  30. 俄语动词单数第二人称命令式的转义用法

    The Usage of Russian Verbs in its Second singular Form