
shuānɡ yǔ
  • bilingual
  1. 很多家长反对学校实行双语教育。

    Many parents oppose bilingual education in schools .

  2. 我的朋友需要一本双语词典。

    My friend needs a bilingual dictionary .

  3. 也许将来你们学校也会为他们提供双语课程。

    Perhaps in the future your school will also provide them with the dual-language program .

  4. 张淑雅教授一门双语课。

    Shuya Zhang teaches a dual-language class .

  5. 她说英俄双语项目让她与自己的传统保持联系,也让她的父母非常高兴。

    She says the Russian-English program keeps her connected to her heritage and her parents happy .

  6. 校长米拉迪·巴茨说,这些双语课程将帮助孩子们在未来取得成功。

    Milady Bacz , a headmaster , says these dual-language programs will help children succeed in the future .

  7. 学生们接受双语教学,一种是英语,,另一种是法语、德语或日语。

    Students are taught in two languages , English and another one , such as French , German or Japanese .

  8. 经过40年发展,已形成全球化、分众化、多语种、全媒体传播体系,报纸发行量约70万份,全媒体用户总数超过3.5亿。以下是贺信双语全文:

    After 40 years , it has developed into a global , multi-language , multi-media information platform , with its newspaper circulation reaching 700000 and the number of its multi-media product users exceeding 350 million .

  9. 高校C语言课程开展双语教学模式的若干思考

    Deliberations of Bilingual education for the C programming language module in Universities

  10. (你认为桥牌和象棋哪个更难学?)——Theyarelikeapplesandoranges.(它俩没法比较。)双语男人和女人是完全不同的。

    Men and women are like apples and oranges .

  11. 双语Stroop效应研究综述

    The Research Summarization of Stroop Effects in Bilingual Learning

  12. 本文中所用的双语语料是LDC的关于香港的双语新闻报道。

    The bilingual corpus in this paper is LDC parallel texts in Hong Kong newspaper .

  13. 随着英汉双语词典理论研究的深入发展,我们发现语体标签在绝大多数词典中都已得到重视和广泛使用,但是这种使用却显得欠规范而无序,且多数词典都没有给style以正确的定义。

    With the study of ECBD , we soon found that though style labels are used widely , their use is not at all consistent and most dictionaries do not even explain what they mean by " style " in the dictionary .

  14. 例如:在英汉双语例句检索系统中,两个句子语法结构相似,就可以认为这两个句子是相似的;而在基于FAQ的自动问答中,则需要两个句子意思基本相同。

    For example , if the structure of the syntax is similar , we can think the two sentences are similar in the example retrieval system .

  15. 本研究探讨早期方言-普通话双语者的方言(L1)语素意识对普通话(L2)语素意识以及汉字识别的作用。实验选取了22名被试,选自莆田市仙游县一所小学。

    The present study probed into the contribution of dialect-Putonghua bilinguals ' dialect ( L1 ) morphological awareness to Putonghua ( L2 ) morphological awareness and Chinese character recognition.22 subjects from a primary school in Xianyou County participated in the experiment .

  16. 实验表明,在仅有几千条标准汉英双语语料的情况下,两个系统开放测试的BLEU评分分别为0.7167和0.5531,基本达到了实用化的翻译水平。

    The experiments show that , with the help of several thousand bilingual pairs , the two systems reach the 0.7167 and 0.5531 BLEU score in the open test respectively .

  17. 本章第二节概述美国Cushman学校双语教育,一是美国双语教育发展的大背景,二是Cushman学校及其双语教育基本情况。

    Section 2 outlines the bilingual education in the Cushman school , U. S. which includes the development background of the U.S.A bilingual education and their basic situation of bilingual education .

  18. 重动句是双语义焦点句,VP1和VP2在语义上有多种关系,两者互相依存,缺一不可。

    This sentence is dual semantic focal sentence , in which VP1and VP2 with their mutiple semantic relevance depend on each other for existence and neither of them can be lack .

  19. 阐述了可信赖机器翻译(TMT)的基本概念,TMT七原则和七判据,TMT与术语标准化的关系,并讨论了对外来词的音译和双语联合表示法的应用等问题。

    In this paper the author elaborates basic concepts about Trustworthy Machine Translation ( TMT ), gives out its seven principles and criterions , and discusses the relationship between the TMT and terminology standardization , some important problems concerned with translation by transcription or by transliteration or by paraphrasing .

  20. 高校机械工程系列课程双语教学改革研究

    Study On Bilingual Teaching for the Curriculum System of Mechanical Engineering

  21. 体育专业技术课实施双语教学的优势分析

    Analysis of the Advantages of Bilingual Teaching in Physical Education Class

  22. 信息检索课开展双语教学的必要性与对策

    Necessity and strategies for developing bilingual teaching in information retrieval courses

  23. 双语失语症患者母语恢复最好或病前用得最多最熟练的语言恢复最好。

    The most usually used language before aphasia is recovered best .

  24. 论我院本科学生实施双语(英语)教学的重要性及面临的问题

    On Importance of Bilingual Teaching for Undergraduate Students in Sports Universities

  25. 网上双语资料的句子自动对齐算法基础分析

    Theory Analysis of Automatically Alignment Arithmetic for Bilingual Data on Internet

  26. 中学科学领域双语教学理论与实践研究

    Studies on Bilingual Science Teaching Theories and Practice in Middle School

  27. 人体解剖学实习课双语教学浅谈

    A Discussion on Bilingual Teaching in Practiced Course of Human Anatomy

  28. 汉&英并列双语者图片命名的重复启动效应

    Within-and between-language repetition priming effect of picture naming in Chinese-English Bilinguals

  29. 该实验证明在本科公共体育篮球实践课教学中运用双语教学是可行性的。

    The experiment has proved the possibility of this teaching model .

  30. 基于双语模型的汉语句法分析知识自动获取

    Automatically Acquiring Chinese Parsing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model