
shuānɡ yīn cí
  • Disyllabic words;dissyllable
  1. 现代汉语并列式双音词的优化构成

    The Optimized Construction of the Parallel Disyllabic Words in Modern Chinese

  2. 《论语》双音词研究

    Research in Disyllabic Words in " The Analects of Confucius "

  3. 佛典文献中的~能附加式双音词

    The " neng " Affixed Double-syllable Words in Buddhism Literatures

  4. 汉语双音词的融合与分解

    The integration and division of double - syllable word

  5. 论古汉语现代汉语双音词判断标准的一致性

    On the Same Standards for Defining Disyllables in Old Chinese and Modern Chinese

  6. 《宋书》双音词的研究价值

    On the Value of Words of Double Pronunciations in The Book of Song

  7. 双音词偏误的词汇语义学分析

    Error Analysis on Chinese Dissyllabic Compounds in Semantics

  8. 汉语双音词的属性测查与汉语第二语言教学

    A Study of Semantics on Chinese Dissyllabic Compounds for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  9. 现代汉语双音词在漫长的发展过程中既有融合的一面,也有的分解一面。

    As modern Chinese language develops with the time , double-syllable word experiences integration and division .

  10. 总之,所有经由词汇化路径衍生出来的双音词,都曾遭遇到这种必须选择困难路径的尴尬。

    To sum up , all disyllabic words deriving from lexicalization has undergone certain hard choices .

  11. 《汉书》应劭注双音词有单纯词、重言词和合成词三类。

    Double syllabled words can be divided into three kinds-single words , compound words and speech-stressed words .

  12. 构成现代汉语双音词的语素多由先秦的单音词发展而来。

    The morphemes forming modern Chinese double-syllable words are largely derived from single-syllable words of the Pre-Qin Dynasty .

  13. 双音词在六朝时期得到迅猛发展,对这些双音词进行深入地分析和考察,有助于我们把握词汇系统的发展演变。

    The analysis and research on the disyllabic words will help us master the evolution of the lexical system .

  14. 语素的古义特征对双音词构词的影响&从几个表视觉动作的语素谈起

    Influence of Morpheme 's Ancient Meaning Characteristics upon Double-syllable Word Formation & Talking from several " visional movement " morphemes

  15. 汉语在发展的过程中,两个可以独立成词的单音节自由语素可根据表达需要,自由结合在一起构成同义复加式双音词。

    Two independent monosyllabic morphemes can combine into a synonymous compounding disyllable , if necessary , in the process of development of Chinese .

  16. 汉语双音词是第二语言学习者的难点,也是教师们极为关注的教学重点。

    It 's difficult for second language learners to master Chinese dissyllabic compounds , which is also a focus teachers are concerned about .

  17. 这部分全面、详细地分析《西厢记》中所有双音词的构成方式,然后进行分类和数据统计。

    This part comprehensively and detailedly analyses the structure mode of all the dual words in The Western Chamber , then do the classification and statistics .

  18. 这一时期的词语变化的特点主要有二个:一是所产生的新词主要是双音词;

    The characters of the change of words and expression in this period include two points . One is the new words are mainly double-syllable words .

  19. 但是在新词的产生上,单词的这些发展己经不是词汇变化的主流形式,新词的产生己经让位于通过词形扩展的方式形成的双音词。

    But the development of monosyllable is not the main aspect ( main stream ) of the produce of new words , it be replaced by polysyllabic words .

  20. 从临时量词看词类的转变与词性标注论古汉语现代汉语双音词判断标准的一致性

    Provisional classifiers , the shift of parts of speech and their marking in dictionaries ; On the Same Standards for Defining Disyllables in Old Chinese and Modern Chinese

  21. 《诗经》主要通过押韵、双音词、单音词之间的语音联系、声调四种方式,强化了汉语表音的能力。

    The Book of Songs mainly strengthens the ability of Chinese to express sounds by way of the rhymes , disyllabic words , sound connection of monosyllabic words and tones .

  22. 我们主张,在双音词的教学中关注语义的剖析,在双音词的习得研究中关注“隐性偏误”,关注民族文化对词语的隐喻及思考方式的影响。

    We advocate that semantic analysis should be concerned , unmerged errors should be cared about in acquisition study and linguistic metaphorical aspects of culture should be paid attention to .

  23. 文中同时指出,在同一词群内部,义域较广的词容易和其他词结合成并列双音词,而义域较窄的词之间不易结合。

    The morphemes with wide semantic domain can easily combine with other morphemes into coordinate compounds , while it is difficult for the narrow ones to combine with each other .

  24. 简缩式双音词的流行使用表明“双字格”凭着极强的新词生成能力已成为汉语构词范式。

    The popular use of the shortened disyllabic words indicates that the double character form has become the paradigm of Chinese word-formation due to its very strong ability of word generation .

  25. 二是《搜神记》名词同义词组中新增组员的主要生成方式是原有的单音词构成双音词,这种双音词的出现,使词义表达更为精确。

    Second is the main growing style of the new noun synonym team member of is original single syllable composing the double syllable , the double syllable words made the expression of language more precise .

  26. 《说文》单字同义训释与同义并列双音词的产生第一版中的许多词现已用于新义并复合成新词。

    Individual Word Synonym Interpretion in Shuo Wen and the Formation of the Synonym Complex Words ; Many words that occur in the first edition are used in new senses and enter into new compounds .

  27. 上个世纪中叶,王力、张世禄等先生就指出,汉语双音词的主要来源是短语的词汇化。一直以来,这个观点在学界得到了较为广泛的认同,渐为成说。

    The view that Chinese disyllabic words mainly come from lexicalization of phrases has been widely acknowledged in academic circles since it was proposed by scholars such as Wang Li and Zhang Shilu in mid 21st century .

  28. 本文分析了汉语双音词中语素的顺序、短语及句子中词的顺序,说明语序与语义、句意的关系。

    This paper analyses the morpheme order in the disyllable words of the Chinese language and the word order in phrases and sentences , and explains the relations among word order , semantic meaning and sentence meaning .

  29. 生成双音词快捷路径优先的潜规则,最终决定了汉语不同来源词汇数量消长的基本格局:汉语的双音词,绝大多数都是词法路径的产物,其中主要的又是词根复合法的产物。

    The underlying rule that disyllabic words are formed through the most convenient way determines the basic pattern of the increase and decrease of Chinese vocabulary . Most of Chinese disyllabic words are formed through morphology , especially compounding of two roots .

  30. 首先说明论文的选题意义,其次介绍《西厢记》的版本情况及本研究使用的底本,最后制定出《西厢记》双音词的界定标准。

    At first , show the topic significance . The second , introduce the situation of the Western Chamber version and the master copy used in this study . At last , work out the defined standards of the dual words in the Western Chamber .