
  • 网络Look East;Looking East
  1. 现在我们应该向东看,而不是向西看。

    Look east , not west .

  2. 而现在当他们向东看,他们会看到这个年轻的女王远处闪亮的身影,这个枷锁的破碎者。

    And now when they look east , they see this young queen shining from afar , this breaker of chains .

  3. 再向东看,波兰对俄罗斯政府的态度要好得多。

    To its east , Poland is being a lot nicer to the Kremlin .

  4. 他向东看看见了东河。

    He looks east toward the East River .

  5. 我国政府已开始大力着手于“向东看”政策,其成果包括我在北京的学习。

    My government has embarked on a deliberate " Look East " policy , the fruits of which include my studies in Beijing .

  6. 阿拉伯国家“向东看”政策使大国在中东的互动出现了新特征,国际多极化格局进一步发展。

    The Arab countries ' " Looking Eastward " strategy has transformed the pattern of big powers'interaction in the Middle East and facilitated the further development of multi-polarity .

  7. 冷战结束后,尤其是2004年“中阿合作论坛”成立以来,阿拉伯国家“向东看”政策倾向日益明显。

    Since the end of the Cold War , and particularly since the founding of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in2004 , Arab countries ' " Looking Eastward " policy is increasingly apparent .

  8. 作为向东看政策的一部分,俄罗斯加大了与朝鲜的经济合作。俄罗斯在外交和经济上日益受到西方孤立,给这项政策增添了紧迫感。

    Russia has stepped up economic co-operation with North Korea as part of its Look East policy , which has been lent urgency by its growing diplomatic and economic isolation from the west .

  9. 政治与安全合作受金融危机的冲击而减缓,其外交转呈向东看趋势;

    Co-operation of politics and safety has been slowed down to some extent because of the impacts of Asian financial crisis and change the diplomatic trends to " look at the east " ;

  10. 作为“向东看”政策的一部分,俄罗斯加大了与朝鲜的经济合作。俄罗斯在外交和经济上日益受到西方孤立,给这项政策增添了紧迫感。

    Russia has stepped up economic co-operation with North Korea as part of its " Look East " policy , which has been lent urgency by its growing diplomatic and economic isolation from the west .

  11. 奥巴马总统将我们与印度的关系称为未来一百年的决定性伙伴关系,其原因之一就是印度正作为东南亚及更广地区的一个安全和增长力量日益向东看。

    One of the reasons why President Obama called our relationship with India a defining partnership of the century ahead is that India is increasingly looking east as a force for security and growth in Southeast Asia and beyond .

  12. AZUZ:我们从伊朗向东,看一下巴基斯坦的情况。

    AZUZ : Moving east from Iran to Pakistan .

  13. 他好容易把这口酒调动下去,听到这个笑声,赶紧向东间那边看了看。

    It had cost him an effort to get the spirits down , and her laughter at once made him glance in the direction of the eastern room .