
xiànɡ hòu zhuǎn
  • right-about-face;about-turn;about
  1. 向后转走!

    (口令) To the rear , march !

  2. 向后转!

    (口令) About face !; About turn !

  3. 军官命令士兵向后转。

    The officer faced his men about .

  4. 连队向后转,从东转向西。

    The company faced about , turning from east to west .

  5. 倒转(向后转)顺序、特点或者效果。

    Reversed ( turned backward ) in order or nature or effect .

  6. 该连队向后转,然后朝后方走了10步。

    The company turned about and marched ten paces to the rear .

  7. 好,现在向后转,看看你们身后的那面墙。

    Now turn round and look at the wall at the back .

  8. 向后转转向反面,如在政策上;大转变。

    A reversal , as in policy ; an about-face .

  9. ‘向后转!’军士长厉声喊道。

    ` About turn ! ' barked the sergeant-major .

  10. 说罢,他脚跟着地,来了个向后转,离开了,背影消失在阴暗中。

    Lie turned on his heel and left , disappearing back into the shadows .

  11. 连队被命令向后转。

    The company was ordered to face about .

  12. 我们现在就停下来,从前进的道路上向后转吗?

    Shall we pause now and turn our back upon the road that lies ahead ?

  13. 当我知道这种向后转的变更时,我非常愤怒,便向有关军官追根究底地询问原因。

    When I became aware of this right-about-turn , I was indignant and questioned searchingly the officers concerned .

  14. 向右转,我说是向右转!连队向后转,从东转向西。

    Right , I said , right ! The company faced about , turning from east to west .

  15. 战士们向公园的另一侧走去,又向后转,往回走。

    The soldiers marched to the other side of the park , turned about , and marched back .

  16. 这一细列飞机,负责将轰炸机向后转,并没有在8月的晚上激发更大的信心。

    The thin line of aircraft , charged with turning back the bombers , did not that August evening inspire much greater confidence .

  17. 他们的意思是,如果事情不能按正确的方向发展,企业是可以向后转,走出大门的。

    They also meant that if things didn 't go its way , the company could simply turn and walk out the door .

  18. 1.:(使)折回危险当然是可怕的障碍,你可以向前走,也可以向后转,你愿意走哪条路?

    eg. The danger is certainly a lion in the way ; you can go ahead or turn back . Which will you do ?

  19. 连队向后转,从东转向西。向后面的方向移动、朝向后面或倾向于后面,或者与先前的方向相反。

    The company faced about , turning from east to west . moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction .

  20. 向后&转!军官命令道。

    About face ! shouted the officer .

  21. 向后退转,为什么要愉快呢?

    Why should he feel joy at turning back ?

  22. 他向后一转,昂首阔步地走开了。

    He turned round about and stalked off .

  23. 当你开始时候,向后起跳,侧转。

    When you take off , jump in backward and sideways motion .