
  • 网络advertising language;the language of advertising;advertisinglanguage
  1. 广告语言的TAIPEI原则

    TAIPEI Principle of Advertising Language

  2. 研究的重点是广告语言的应用。

    The focus is put on the study of advertising language .

  3. 受众的心态观念与广告语言创意

    Psychology and Ideology of Chinese Recipients and Creativity of Advertisement Language

  4. 试探英语广告语言的变异现象

    A brief research into the variation of English ad . language

  5. 运用言语行为理论阐释广告语言语用失误

    Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Language From Perspective of Speech Act Theory

  6. 触发诗意效果的广告语言有哪些语用功能?

    What are pragmatic functions of advertising language triggering poetic effects ?

  7. 广告语言的文化差异和翻译艺术

    The Culture Differences and the Arts of Translation in Advertising Language

  8. 广告语言也是所处的特定文化的产物。

    Advertising language is also embedded in its own specific culture .

  9. 俄语广告语言的劝导功能分析

    Analysis of Persuading Functions in Russian Language for Commercial Advertisement

  10. 文化视角中的中美广告语言及其对比

    A Cultural Perspective into the American and Chinese Advertising Language

  11. 本文指出英汉广告语言特性,并对广告图文隐喻进行初步探讨。

    This paper devotes an analysis to English and Chinese advertising language .

  12. 本论文从认知角度分析英语广告语言中的隐喻。

    This thesis analyzes metaphors in advertising language from a cognitive approach .

  13. 这些特点对广告语言的研究具有重要意义。

    These characteristics are important for the study of the advertising language .

  14. 广告语言的优劣,直接影响广告效果。

    The advantages and disadvantages of advertising language directly influence advertising elect .

  15. 相对而言,对广告语言的研究显得薄弱一些。

    The study of its language , however , is relatively weak .

  16. 广告语言的策划已经成为一门独特的语言艺术。

    Advertising language plan has become a unique language art .

  17. 汉语广告语言的得体性原则研究

    A Study of the Principles of Appropriation on Chinese ad . Language

  18. 试论广告语言信息的分析模式

    A Discussion on the Analytical Model of the Advertising Information

  19. 英汉广告语言的符号学文化学视角

    Advertising English and Chinese Languages in the Perspective of Semiotics and Culture

  20. 浅析广告语言的语用基础

    A Brief Probe Into the Pragmatic Basis of Advertising Language

  21. 从关联理论的角度分析广告语言的说服性

    Analyzing the Persuasiveness of Advertising Language from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  22. 广告语言必须具备一定的发现特征。

    Advertisement language must possess certain " discovery features " .

  23. 略谈商品广告语言的修辞艺术

    A Brief Talk on Rhetoric Art of Commodity Advertisement Language

  24. 所以广告语言的研究必须将广告插图考虑进来。

    The study of print advertising discourse requires consideration of the pictures .

  25. 公益广告语言的感情策略探析

    Analysis and Inquisition of Emotional Strategy of Public Advertisement Language

  26. 广告语言艺术是商品经济大潮语言研究中的一个热门课题。

    Advertisement language art is a hot issue in the commodity economy trend .

  27. 试论民族文化对广告语言之影响

    On the Influences of National Culture on Advertising Language

  28. 网络广告语言初探

    An Initial Probe into the Language of Network Advertisements

  29. 它应具有吸引力、具有说服力、趣味性,同时便于记忆,使人印象深刻,因此英语广播广告语言有别于其他文体的独特风格。

    So English broadcasting advertising style has particular characteristics .

  30. 情景因素与英语广告语言特征

    Situational Factors and the Linguistic Features of English Advertisements