
guǎng bǎn
  • largo
广板[guǎng bǎn]
  1. 大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。

    The tempo marking in most cases is andante , adagio , or largo .

  2. 第二乐章是广板乐章。

    The second movement is a largo .

  3. 满车赚足了钱的农民都拍打着身上的黄土&卡车正慢慢地停不太慢,速度处于小广板与小快板之间的节拍。

    The peasants on the truck , who had all made enough money , were now beating the yellow dust off their clothes the truck was coming to a stop . a moderately slow tempo ( a walking pace ) .

  4. 这些新型塔板与原有塔板相比,具有压降低、雾沫夹带量少、处理能力大、操作范围广及塔板效率高等特点。

    As compared with the conventional types of tray , these novel trays exhibited lower pressure drop , lower entrainment , higher throughput , more flexible in operation and higher plate efficiency .

  5. 由于气压传动的优点,由气缸往复直线移动驱动的分度机构应用越来越广,蝶板摆动单向分度机构就是其中之一。

    Owing to the advantages of air-pressure transmission , the dividing mechanism driven by the reciprocal linear movement of pneumatic cylinder has been applied broader and broader , the one-way dividing mechanism of butterfly-board oscillation was one of the mechanisms among them .

  6. 密闭接线合应用领域广,太阳能电池板上就用,许多场所要求ip65等级的要用到。

    Sealed wiring and wide application field , the solar battery board is used , many places require IP65 class to use .

  7. 随着锚板嵌入技术研究的日趋完善,法向承力锚的应用范围将越来越广,对锚板承载力性能的要求也会越来越高。

    As the development of anchor embedding technology , more and more vertically-loaded anchors will be used in more extensive ranges . So the requirements for the performance of the anchor plates are growing .