
  1. 县级以上广播电视行政部门负责本行政区域内广播电视节目传送业务的管理。

    The radio and TV administrative departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the business of transmission of radio and TV programs within their respective administrative areas .

  2. 但是在国家广电总局发布的这份《通知》中称:“各级广播电视行政管理部门要加大监管力度,对存在不规范、不准确使用国家通用语言文字的现象,尤其是乱改乱用成语的问题,要进行严格处理。”

    But the order from the State Administration for Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television says : " Radio and television authorities at all levels must tighten up their regulations and crack down on the irregular and inaccurate use of the Chinese language , especially the misuse of idioms . "