
  • the punchline;punch line;haha point;Laughing Point
  1. 如果我们说某人的笑点很低,那就是说这个人很容易被逗乐。

    If we say someone has a quite low haha point , that means he can be very easily amused .

  2. HHP是网络上流传的“笑点(hahapoint)”这个词英文说法的缩写形式。

    HHP is a popular online abbreviation for " haha point " .

  3. 即使这样,有魔力的停顿依然可以增强笑点。

    Even then , the magical pause can strengthen the punchline .

  4. 在一集里面,常常会制造很多笑点,每次一到一个笑点就会听见配声。这样是为了让观众更好地融入其中,提高喜剧效果。

    There are many laughing points in one episode , at each of which you would hear the canned laughter , a way of enabling the audience to blend in and improve the effect of comedy .

  5. 形容某个人笑点低就是控制不住想要笑没get到笑点时:

    someone is amused easily I feel I have an uncontrollable urge to laugh !

  6. 最后他以一个很劲爆的笑话结束了表演。当这个笑点惹得他大笑的时候,Jibo眼睛眯成了一个小小的月芽。

    He ended his performance with a cheesy joke , and his eyes turned to tiny half-moons when he laughed at the punch line .

  7. 这个笑料或者是这个笑话最后一句戳到了我的笑点。Apunchline是笑话或故事的最后一个短语或句子,提供幽默或其他一些关键元素。

    The material or the punchline works on me . A punchline is the final phrase or sentence of a joke or story , providing the humor or some other crucial elements . To crack sb up means to make somebody suddenly laugh a lot . To crack sb up

  8. 我享受这些笑点,那么,也让那些人去享受他们的数据吧。

    I enjoyed the laughs ; let them enjoy the data .

  9. 但这部电影确实还是带有幽默元素和众多笑点的。

    But the movie does offer elements of humor and laughter .

  10. 这是我们真的想要争取保留的一个笑点。

    This is the one joke we really want to fight for .

  11. 要理解每个笑点对我来说有点困难。

    It was a little difficult for me to get every punchline .

  12. 详细剖析这个笑话的笑点。

    Break down exactly what makes the joke a joke .

  13. 特朗普说的话和视频总是可以轻易戳到人们的笑点。

    Trump 's words and videos can tickle people 's funny bones easily .

  14. 赶紧说完笑点留给他们

    Get off early , leave ' em laughing .

  15. 然后两人突然意识到了笑点,并放声大笑。

    Then they both saw the joke and laughed .

  16. 停顿为笑点冲击!

    The pause adds punch to the punchline !

  17. 额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。

    The forehead , maxim robbed many scenes , mainly the punchline ? In him .

  18. 而且有时他解释过了我也找不到笑点。

    And sometimes , even after explanation , I just don 't find it funny .

  19. 我总是忘记笑点在哪里。

    I always forget the punch line .

  20. 在我听到笑点前或许我们该先喝一杯

    Well , perhaps we should have a drink before I hear the punch line .

  21. 他那一副倾听者的样子,嘴里吐出坚定的女性主义言论,正是本片的笑点所在。

    The attentiveness and stern feminism coming out of his mouth are where the comedy is .

  22. 很难找到观众的笑点,因为每个人的笑点都不一样。

    It 's hard to get people to laugh because everyone thinks of funny as something different .

  23. 我们的脑子就喜欢一些荒谬可笑之事,这些事笑点低,大脑便能容易记得住。

    Our brains love absurdity and finds it very easy to remember absurd things over dull things .

  24. 那么,“哈哈点”(即“笑点”)指的就是能够让你发笑的那个点。

    Therefore , haha point refers to the threshold where you can be amused and burst into laughter .

  25. 电影里的笑点也在孩子和大人的喜好之间找到了平衡点。

    The jokes in the film are balanced between what works for children and what works for adults .

  26. 新手通常制造笑点,立即听到笑声,便会小心翼翼的话题。

    Novices often deliver the punchline and then nervously race on if the laughter doesn 't immediately follow .

  27. 拿她的惨事当笑点会不会有点太无下限啊。

    I don 't know if it 's in good taste to make fun of her personal tragedy .

  28. 选择一个不合时宜的时机脱口而出说漏嘴——在这个笑话的笑点即将显露的任何时候。

    Choose an inappropriate time to blurt out the joke -- any occasion when it 's guaranteed to bomb .

  29. 有了魅力难以抗拒的角色、幽默的笑点和叹为观止的动作场面,您夫复何求?

    With irresistible characters , great humor , and amazing action scenes , what else could you ask for ?

  30. 它可以塑造人物,营造浪漫气氛,引出情节转折点或笑点。

    They can establish character , set up a romantic scene , introduce a plot twist , ignite a gag .