
xiào tán
  • joke;laughingstock;object of ridicule;comic stories
笑谈 [xiào tán]
  • [laughingstock] 笑话;笑料

  • 传为笑谈

笑谈[xiào tán]
  1. 他们的笑谈有没有传说的动听;

    Does their joke have the fable interesting to listen to ;

  2. 这件事过了将近六个月,麦莉赛勒斯终于能笑谈曾经那段无疾而终的缘分了。

    And nearly six months on , Miley Cyrus is able to joke about the failed love match .

  3. 令人想象不到的是,这个男人已经成为了笑谈。

    The man has become an unlikely figure of fun .

  4. 同事们现在回忆起会议总是慢吞吞地一直开到第二天凌晨的情景,都把它当作一番笑谈。

    Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours

  5. 霉霉和观众笑谈自己带来了“生命中最真诚的朋友”,随后两人一起演唱了《HandstoMyself》。

    The two sang " Hands to Myself " after Swift teased to the crowd that she was bringing " one of the realest and truest of the friends I 've had in my entire life " to sing with her :

  6. 这句台词出自特里·琼斯(TerryJones)扮演的母亲一角,是布莱恩被错当成耶稣时的众多笑谈之一。该片由英国著名喜剧团体巨蟒剧团(MontyPython)出品。

    It was spoken by Brian 's mother , played by Terry Jones , and is one of a series of jokes in which Brian is mistaken for Jesus .

  7. 她们最后会和像Carter这样的人在一起而像你这样的人,他们愚蠢的青年时期就变成鸡尾酒舞会的笑谈。

    They end up with the Carters of the world , and , um , people like you , they turn into cocktail party anecdotes of their foolish youth .

  8. 撇开笑谈,还有许多重要议题

    Humor aside , there are more important issues out there .

  9. 寒暄笑谈之后,我们开始做正事。

    After some pleasant talk , we got down to business .

  10. 他们笑谈着他们小女儿的来信。

    They laughed over the letter which they had received from their little girl .

  11. 现在这些人以我为歌曲,以我为笑谈。

    And now am I their song , yea , I am their byword .

  12. 我拿麻布当衣裳。就成了他们的笑谈。

    I made sackcloth also my garment ; and I became a proverb to them .

  13. 我们正笑谈有关你哥哥的事情。

    We were laughing about your brother .

  14. 她们一边笑谈着一边穿上她们的红黑的《浮士德》歌剧服。

    They talked and laughed and put on their red and black dresses for Faust .

  15. 先结婚后恋爱叶文智笑谈旅游业经营

    To Get Married First , Then Falling in Love Ye Wen Zhi Talked About Tourism

  16. 一次次我们发出誓言,时而亲吻,时而笑谈;

    Again and again we plighted troth , We chattered , and laughed , and kissed ;

  17. 这时候,风度或许只能表现在牙齿打着颤的笑谈之间了。

    On those occasions , elegance might just be the ability to laugh through chattering teeth .

  18. 探究真理,用心生活;兼容并蓄,笑谈天下。

    Live with heart in pursuit of truth , and smile to life with an open mind .

  19. 你使我们在列邦中作了笑谈、使众民向我们摇头。

    You gave us up to be devoured like sheep and have scattered us among the nations .

  20. 笑谈渴饮匈奴血。

    Laughingly drink the Tartars'blood .

  21. 林以诺牧师以他独有的鬼马方式,与你笑谈圣经的人生道理。

    Rev Enoch Lam shares with us in his unique humorous way biblical stories and modern life .

  22. 因此大家常常笑谈,见同事比见自己的老公老婆时间多。

    So we often joke , see my colleagues than to see their husband wife time and more .

  23. 一个中产阶级的晚宴上,女宾们以把车开下悬崖为笑谈。

    At a middle-class dinner party , a female guest talks casually of driving her car off a cliff .

  24. 神使我作了民中的笑谈。他们也吐唾沫在我脸上。

    He hath made me also a byword of the people ; and aforetime I was as a tabret .

  25. 窗明几净,一杯茶,三两人在笑谈天下大事。

    The window is bright several only , cup of teas , with your friends at joke world important matter .

  26. 同辈会对老年人造成威胁这种观念还比较新,通常是笑谈。

    The notion that a threat to seniors is their peers is somewhat new , and usually played for laughs .

  27. 累了,妇女们三三两两围坐一团,相互品尝美食、畅饮咂酒,笑谈人生。

    Tired , the women are sitting in twos and threes , tasting food , drinking Za wine , talking about life .

  28. 我们笑谈着吉姆在海边度假时寄来的明信片。法官至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。

    We laughed over Jim 's postcard from his seaside holiday . Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks .

  29. 寒暄笑谈之后,我们开始做正事。他们客套了几句,就开始谈正事。

    After some pleasant talk , we got down to business . After a few words of courtesy , they got down to business .

  30. 你在耶和华领你到的各国中,要令人惊骇,笑谈,讥诮。

    You will become a thing of horror and an object of scorn and ridicule to all the nations where the LORD will drive you .