
  • 【电影】I Don't Kiss
  1. 这里生长的鼠尾草是小叶鼠尾草(Salviamicrophyla)的若干个品种,包括“烈焰红唇”(HotLips),一种深红与白色相间的双色花;

    There were many varieties of Salvia microphyla ( which means little leaf ) , including Hot Lips , a bicolor deep red-and-white ;

  2. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  3. 南布列塔尼大学的两名研究者NicolasGuéguen和CélineJacob发现,比起其他的女招待,男顾客更愿意给烈焰红唇的女服务员小费,而且给得更多。

    The researchers , Nicolas Gu é guen and C é line Jacob of the Universit é de Bretagne-Sud , found that male patrons gave tips more frequently to waitresses wearing red lipstick than to other waitresses , and , when they tipped , they gave more .

  4. 对《烈焰红唇之书》里受到伤害的所有人

    To all the people whose feelings that got hurt by the Burn Book ,

  5. 对《烈焰红唇之书》里受到伤害的所有人。

    To all the people whose feelings that got hurt by the burn book .

  6. 有研究显示,对于男人而言,红色让女人看起来更具吸引力。而最新研究表明,烈焰红唇的女招待也不例外。

    Studies suggest it makes women more attractive to men , and new research indicates red lipstick on waitresses is no exception 。

  7. 因此,如果你想在大自然种下一个吻,找到一株烈焰红唇,在你还能有机会的情况下去实践吧。

    So if youve ever wanted to plant a kiss on Mother Nature , find yourself a Hot Lips plant and do it while you still can .

  8. 布兰森将自己的一头金发后梳用夹子固定住,配上烈焰红唇和迷人的假睫毛,整个全新的空姐形象就横空出世了。

    Pulling his blonde locks back into clips , Branson completed his fresh new look with a sweep of red lipstick and a fetching set of false eyelashes .

  9. 泰勒总是在每次外出时把自己打扮的很漂亮,她的眼线眼影都画得恰到好处。她当天也涂上了她的标志红宝石色口红,烈焰红唇很是醒目。

    The star was nicely made up for her outing , her eyes played up with just the right amount of kohl liner , her signature ruby red lipstick drawing attention to her naturally plump pout .