
liè yàn
  • roaring flame;raging flames;roaring blaze
烈焰 [liè yàn]
  • [raging flames;roaring blaze] 炽烈的火焰

烈焰[liè yàn]
  1. 仇恨会像一团烈焰把他一把烧掉。

    Hatred would fill him like an enormous roaring flame .

  2. 烈焰的温度很高,连路面都被熔化了。

    The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted .

  3. 两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。

    The two sheets of flame clashed , soaring hundreds of feet high .

  4. 火光在闪烁,我注视着熊熊燃烧的烈焰。

    I stared into the flames of the fire as it sparked to life .

  5. 烈焰冲天。

    Raging flames lit up the sky .

  6. 这里生长的鼠尾草是小叶鼠尾草(Salviamicrophyla)的若干个品种,包括“烈焰红唇”(HotLips),一种深红与白色相间的双色花;

    There were many varieties of Salvia microphyla ( which means little leaf ) , including Hot Lips , a bicolor deep red-and-white ;

  7. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  8. 南布列塔尼大学的两名研究者NicolasGuéguen和CélineJacob发现,比起其他的女招待,男顾客更愿意给烈焰红唇的女服务员小费,而且给得更多。

    The researchers , Nicolas Gu é guen and C é line Jacob of the Universit é de Bretagne-Sud , found that male patrons gave tips more frequently to waitresses wearing red lipstick than to other waitresses , and , when they tipped , they gave more .

  9. 请留意SpaceX公司创始人埃隆o穆斯克说的这句话。1月初,该公司一枚一级火箭助推器拖着熊熊烈焰,坠落在大西洋的一个钻井平台上,他随后发表了一番“行动总结”。

    Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk , offering a post-op summary of the fiery crash-landing of one of his company 's first stage rocket boosters aboard a floating barge in the Atlantic earlier this month .

  10. 顷刻之间,整座房屋便处于烈焰之中。

    And within moments , the entire mansion was in flames .

  11. 燃烧,燃烧,烈焰翻腾,在光的丛林中跳跃闪耀。

    Burn , flame up , sparkle in trees of light .

  12. 魔戒是末日火山的烈焰铸成。

    The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom .

  13. 将它扔回末日火山的烈焰深渊

    and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came

  14. 一个被烈焰包围,没有眼皮的巨大眼睛。

    A Great Eye , lidless , wreathed in flame .

  15. 他将在烈焰中受到永恒的诅咒。

    May he burn in the fires of eternal damnation .

  16. 飞机螺旋下降,拖着浓烟烈焰掉了下去。(增加形容词)

    The plane twisted down , trailing flame and smoke .

  17. 他们用烈焰和钢水创作艺术品;

    they create works of art from burning fire and molten steel ;

  18. 和煦的阳光瞬间变成了咄咄逼人的烈焰。

    The placid sunshine transformed in a moment into imperious angry fire .

  19. 你曾是正长向烈焰的火芽;

    You were the embryo of fire growing into flame ;

  20. 就是魔王索伦以末日火山的烈焰所铸造的

    forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom

  21. 颜色也非常棒,有“潮流灰”和“烈焰红”等等。

    It also comes in great colors like'lime squeeze'and'bright magenta .

  22. 暗影烈焰:伤害增加约75%,系数未改动。

    Shadowflame : Damaged increased approx.75 % . Coefficients unchanged .

  23. 它是由末日火山的烈焰所铸

    The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom

  24. 本集合包括棒状、海上薄雾和烈焰效果。

    This collection includes the Bars , Ocean Mist and Fire Storm effects .

  25. 热动力学的研究(ⅩⅩⅢ)&一级反应的精选峰高法《烈焰狂峰》二区豪华特别版

    Studies on Thermokinetics (ⅹⅹⅲ) & Selected Peak-Height Method for the First Order Reaction

  26. 只有灵魂的烈焰蔓延,昭示摇滚乐的到来!

    Its the conflagration of the soul spreading its manifestation : ROCK N'ROLL .

  27. 油一倒在火上,立刻就腾起了熊熊烈焰。

    The fire flamed out as soon as oil was poured on it .

  28. 修正了烈焰风暴图标的可见性。

    Fixed the visibility of the Flamestrike de-buff icon .

  29. 当汽油瀑炸时,整栋楼房烈焰熊熊。

    The whole building was sent up in flames when the petrol exploded .

  30. 炼火的烈焰是玫瑰,而浓烟是多刺的荆棘。

    Of which the flame is roses , and the smoke is briars .