
liè jiǔ
  • spirits;liquor;drink;strong drink;moonshine;schnapps;stiff;firewater;hooch;hard drink;sheezer
烈酒 [liè jiǔ]
  • [strong drinks;spirits; drink; liquor; stiff] 含酒精度高、性质猛烈的酒

烈酒[liè jiǔ]
  1. 他已经用水将烈酒冲淡。

    He has tempered the strong drink with water .

  2. 哦,喝一点烈酒没有关系。

    Oh , one drop of a strong drink won 't hurt .

  3. 1979年,LiquorBarn烈酒折扣店的生意十分红火。

    In 1979 , Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser .

  4. 他们过去习惯于狂饮烈酒。

    They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol

  5. 我发现烈酒对她伤害很大。

    I saw what the liquor was doing to her

  6. 每位来客都要为圣诞节订购啤酒、烈酒、波尔图葡萄酒等这样那样的酒。

    Everybody came in with their Christmas order for beer and spirits and port and one thing and another .

  7. 他从来不喝烈酒。

    He never drinks spirits .

  8. 他喝了大量的烈酒。

    He drank a massive amount of alcohol .

  9. 那是烈酒,可他几秒钟就喝光了。

    It was hard liquor , but he knocked it back in a few seconds .

  10. 罗杰斯发明的“零度之下”冰淇淋机采用独特的技术来冷冻酒精饮料,让你可以将啤酒、鸡尾酒甚至烈酒变成口感柔软的冰淇淋。

    The Below Zero ice cream machine uses a unique technique to freeze alcohol , which allows you to turn beers , cocktails and even spirits into delicious soft-serve ice cream .

  11. 威尔·罗杰斯称,啤酒从液态变成冰淇淋大概需要30分钟时间,但是烈酒转化为冰淇淋需要的时间更长一些。

    Even though Below Zero changes the texture in liquid form . Will Rogers claims that it takes around 30 minutes for beer to go from liquid to ice cream form , but higher alcohol content drinks take longer .

  12. 其果实产量丰富,且富含维他命C,可以用作果冻和果酱的原料,还可以用来酿造一种烈酒。

    The abundant crop of fruit-high in vitamin C-is the source of jelly and jam as well as the basis for a potent liquor .

  13. 国际葡萄酒与烈酒调查机构(internationalwineandspiritsresearch)的报告称,法国作为其最大的市场,几乎有美国市场两倍大。

    France is the largest market , nearly twice as big as America , says international wine and spirits research , a market-intelligence firm .

  14. n.酒,含酒精饮料;烈酒这家餐厅有卖酒的执照吗?

    liquor Does this restaurant have a license to serve liquor ?

  15. 据伦敦的国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(InternationalWineSpiritResearch)说,未来三年,中国的葡萄酒消费量将从2011年的每人约1.4升增至2.1升。

    Wine consumption in China will increase to 2.1 liters a person over the next three years from about 1.4 liters in 2011 , according to London-based International Wine Spirit Research .

  16. 葡萄酒与烈酒基金会(WineSpiritsEducationTrust)的研发经理尼古拉斯·金(NicholasKing)称,此称呼在2003年左右退出使用。

    Nicholas King , research and development manager at the Wine Spirits Education Trust , says it drifted out of use in about 2003 .

  17. 葡萄酒与烈酒基金会(Wine&SpiritsEducationTrust)的研发经理尼古拉斯·金(NicholasKing)称,此称呼在2003年左右退出使用。

    Nicholas King , research and development manager at the Wine & Spirits Education Trust , says it drifted out of use in about 2003 .

  18. 茅台是用粮食酿成的烈酒,被称作中国的国酒。考克斯夫妇此行由尼克松基金会(NixonFoundation)和中国人民对外友好协会组织。

    Mr. and Mrs. Cox 's trip is organized by the Nixon Foundation and the Chinese People 's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries .

  19. 位于伦敦的国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(InternationalWineSpiritResearch)的最新数据显示,2011年中国饮酒者人均葡萄酒消费量仅为1.4升,远低于法国人均53.2升的消费量。

    Chinese drinkers consumed only 1.4 liters of wine per person in 2011 , far below the French average of 53.2 liters per person , according to the most recent data from London-based research company International Wine Spirit Research .

  20. 位于伦敦的国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(InternationalWine&SpiritResearch)的最新数据显示,2011年中国饮酒者人均葡萄酒消费量仅为1.4升,远低于法国人均53.2升的消费量。

    Chinese drinkers consumed only 1.4 liters of wine per person in 2011 , far below the French average of 53.2 liters per person , according to the most recent data from London-based research company International Wine & Spirit Research .

  21. 噢,这么说,booze可以指葡萄酒,也可以指烈酒。

    Yes , wine can be called booze , and so can rum and vodka .

  22. 如果菲利普・K.・迪克(PhilipK.Dick)是你最喜爱的作家,关于啤酒而非葡萄酒或烈酒的书籍可能更符合你的口味。

    And if Philip K. Dick is your favorite author , books about beer are probably more up your alley than anything about wine or liquor .

  23. 在BargeInn,Honeystreet上的一家社区酒馆里,人们乐衷于品尝名为“谷物”,“外星人的祝福”及“远离小精灵”的烈酒。

    At the Barge Inn , a community-owned pub in Honeystreet , drinkers enjoy tipples named Croppie , Alien Abduction and Away With The Fairies .

  24. 酒吧的几位主人说,他们是今年早些时候跟桑德豪斯(DerekSandhaus)谈话、品尝白酒时获得的开店灵感。桑德豪斯是《白酒:中国烈酒必备指南》(Baijiu:TheEssentialGuidetoChineseSpirits)一书的作者。

    The bar 's owners say they were inspired by a talk and baijiu-tasting earlier this year by Derek Sandhaus , author of ' Baijiu : The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits .

  25. TRIPS协议为地理标志规定了两种保护水平,给予葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志额外保护,把对其他农产品和食品的保护手段的选择留给成员方政府来决定。

    TRIPS Agreement mandates a two-tiered model of regulation , giving enhanced protection to wines and spirits but leaving means of protection to national government for other agricultural products and foods .

  26. TRIPS通常禁止使用误导公众的地理标志,但是,甚至在公众没有受到误导时,也为葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志提供保护。

    TRIPS Agreement generally prohibits the use of geographical indications which misled the public , but affords protection of indications for wines and spirits even where the public is not misled .

  27. (根据CDC标准,标准的一杯酒约为12盎司的啤酒、五盎司的葡萄酒或1.5盎司的烈酒。)

    ( A standard drink is about 12 ounces of beer , 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor , according to the CDC . )

  28. 帝亚吉欧是世界最大的苏格兰威士忌生产商,苏格兰威士忌和干邑白兰地(cognac)是中国消费的两款主要国际烈酒。

    Diageo is the world 's largest producer of Scotch , which , with cognac , is the main international spirit consumed in the country .

  29. 在洛基山公园的门户城镇伊斯泰斯公园(EstesPark),一年前,本地官员发布了对开放啤酒厂和烈酒厂的规定,现在这些酒厂已经有很多活动了。

    Just a year after local officials eased regulations on opening breweries and distilleries in Rocky Mountain 's gateway town , Estes Park , a number of operations are in the works .

  30. 朗皮峰啤酒公司(LumpyRidgeBrewingCompany)是一个15桶小型啤酒厂,有室内品尝室和天井,将于今年夏天成为首家开张的酒厂,其后还有两个烈酒厂和三家啤酒厂将于今年年底之前开张。

    Lumpy Ridge Brewing Company , a 15-barrel microbrewery with an indoor tasting room and outdoor patio , is the first scheduled to open this summer , with two distilleries and three more breweries to follow before the end of the year .