
  • 网络syhung
  1. 喝光家藏酒风向卜年景。

    Finish all the beer house wine divine wind year .

  2. 他每星期订购该公司酒窖的藏酒。

    He orders the wine from the firm 's cellars each week .

  3. 你们的藏酒的确非常丰富。

    You certainly have a very extensive cellar .

  4. 我告诉他我的藏酒窑很小,而且都放满了。

    I told him my cellars , which were very small , were full up .

  5. 这张五月十三日摄于英国伦敦市中心外交部兰卡斯特宫的照片,是窖内藏酒。

    Bottles of wine are seen stored under the Foreign Office 's Lancaster House mansion in central London , May13 .

  6. 我们酒单上的酒可以满足不同种类的红酒爱好者,有来自古堡的藏酒,从意大利到澳洲的藏酒。

    We provide the wine list that caters for different kind of wine lover , from house wine to chateau latour , from Italian wine to Australian Wine .

  7. 迪耶布说,我的许多客户都有40余年藏酒经验,这些人味觉的灵敏度堪比我所认识的任何法国人。

    Many of my clients have been collecting wine for more than 40 years , says Mr. De'Eb . They have palates as developed as any Frenchman I know .

  8. 一位部长五月十三日宣布出售最高价藏酒以减少史上最严重的赤字后,英国政府酒窖内封存的酒藏量势必减少。

    The British government wine cellar is set to get less corking after a minister announced plans on May13 to sell the most expensive wines to help cut a record deficit .

  9. 没有心情干别的事,就连碰巧发现禁酒客栈老板私自藏酒这样令人震惊的事情,众人们几乎都没劲头。

    The accidental discovery , just made , that the proprietor of the Temperance Tavern kept liquor on his premises , scarcely fluttered the public pulse , tremendous as the fact was .

  10. 由于美元疲软,一些美国酒商放弃了以昂贵的英镑和欧元购买期酒的计划,转而买卖那里许多知名酒窖的藏酒。

    Since the weakening of the dollar , some US wine merchants have pulled back from en primeur purchases in expensive pounds and euros in favour of trading the contents of the many established cellars there .

  11. 那女人就不得不把她所藏的酒也取出来,农夫把酒喝了,非常愉快。

    So the woman was obliged to bring out the wine also , which she had hidden , and the farmer drank it till he became quite merry .

  12. 如果你知道他在孩子的房间藏着一瓶酒。

    If you know he 's got a bottle stashed .