
  1. 成藏理论,要揭示以碳酸盐岩为主的地质体中的油气运移问题,建立油气充注成藏过程的物理化学场模型,并以动态平衡观点建立油气藏调整模型。(王孝陵摘)

    Pool forming theory which should reveal the problem of petroleum migration in carbonate dominated geological body , establishing the physico chemistry field pattern in pool forming process of oil and gas charging and pouring , and forming petroleum adjusting pattern in dynamic equilibrium view .

  2. 入藏文献的复本要有一个科学、合理的限度;

    Want a limit of reasonable of science into the copy that hide the cultural heritage ;

  3. 现在,我藏着,如果要的话,就自己回来拿。

    Now , I am hiding , if you want , then get back on her own .

  4. 它呈现的是潘多拉魔盒还是藏宝箱,就要看使用者如何把握了。

    Whether a Pandora 's box or a treasure chest has yet to be seen , and is up to the users to decide .