
  • 网络Village and town planning;village-town planning
  1. 村镇规划系列图的编制

    Compilation on the Series of Village-town Planning Maps

  2. 村镇规划中乡(镇)域规划图的设计与编绘

    Design and Compilation of Village-town Planning Maps

  3. 新形势下我国村镇规划工作探析

    Analysis of China Village and Town Planning in the New Situation

  4. 对创建“村镇规划设计”学科的思考

    Consideration about establishing " town and village planning and design science "

  5. 浅谈村镇规划建设管理中存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Village and Town Planning Construction Management

  6. 地域性村镇规划的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking about Regional Planning for Villages and Townships

  7. 新农村建设中村镇规划之探讨

    Comment on town and village planning in new rural construction

  8. 论生态文化与村镇规划的可持续发展&以陕西省长安县大王乡为例

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Ecological Culture and Village and Town Planning

  9. 关于村镇规划编制和实施的若干问题思考

    Thinking on Some Problems about Working Out and Carrying Out Rural Settlement Plan

  10. 城市边缘带村镇规划建设的实践与思考

    On Planning Villages and Towns in City Fringe Area

  11. 村镇规划设计中土地的集约利用

    Strategies of Intensive Land Use during the Design of Villages and Small Towns

  12. 村镇规划技术经济指标中的几个问题

    On Technic - economic Indexes for Rural Planning

  13. 村镇规划地形图首级平面控制网必要精度研究

    Study on Necessary Precision for Primary Horizontal Control Network of Topographic Map in Town Planning

  14. 新农村建设中村镇规划的编制研究

    Study on the formulation of town and village planning in the development of new countryside

  15. 地域特色是河北省山区村镇规划中的重要内容。

    Regional characteristics are important content of villages plan of mountainous areas in HeBei province .

  16. 村镇规划卫生标准

    Health standards for township - village planning

  17. 村镇规划中的生态设计观

    Ecological design concept in county planning

  18. 有机结合善于引导&对当前山地村镇规划若干问题的探讨

    Harmonious Integration with Good Guidance & Discussion on Some Problems with Town and Village Planning in Mountainous regions

  19. 《村镇规划编制办法(试行)》的施行情况及修订建议

    On the Implementation of Village and Town Planning Method ( Trial Edition ) and Suggestions on its Revision

  20. 采用聚类分析的方法将农村居民点划分为5类,为村镇规划和土地整理规划提供依据。

    Five types of rural residential areas are divided by using cluster analysis method , which provide basis for village and township planning and land management planning .

  21. 整体来说,我国村镇规划工作比较落后,不能适应新的发展形势,地区之间也存在较大差异。

    On the whole , as the building program of the countryside is backward and not adjust to the new situations , and there still exist differences among rural areas .

  22. 所以,现代农村建造房屋时要做好如下防火工作:(1)选址要积极参与村镇规划。

    So , following fire prevention works should have done when modern country builds a house : ( 1 ) optional location should take an active part in bourg program .

  23. 第四章对基于地域特色的河北省山区村镇规划进行研究,提出规划原则、不同层次的规划内容、特色要素的表达。

    The fourth chapter in Hebei province based on the regional characteristic mountain town planning study puts forward the planning principle , different levels of planning contents and features elements of expression .

  24. 村镇规划与土地利用规划协同耦合研究探讨大城市规划区内的村镇规划与建设问题&以福州市晋安区村镇发展为例

    Coordination Coupling between Village-town Planning and Land Use Planning A study on the problems of the village planning and construction in metropolitan planning area a case study of the village development in Jinan district of Fuzhou

  25. 当前广泛开展的村镇规划、区域规划都涉及到村庄空间系统的变迁、城乡之间的相互作用、村庄建设等现实问题。

    Both the villages and small towns plan that developed widely and the regional planning involve the realistic questions as the system vicissitude between village and space , the mutual function of city and countryside , the village construction and so on .

  26. 从村镇规划用图方面对大比例尺的测图的基本要求出发,依误差传播理论,逐级推算出图根控制网和首级控制网所需的精度,并在实践中得到应用。

    This paper , starting with the basic requirement of mapping with a large scale in town planning , calculates the precision needed by mapping control network and primary control network in accordance with the error communication theory and it is applied in practice .

  27. 村镇生态规划设计手法和策略

    Design Methods and Tactics for Ecological Planning of Villages and Towns

  28. 城郊村镇的规划与发展

    The planning and development of towns and villages in city suburbs

  29. 村镇排水规划的探讨

    An approach on the planning for village and town sewage

  30. 历史文化村镇保护规划研究

    Study on the conservation planning of historic towns and villages