
  • 网络Takashi MURAKAMI;Murakami Takashi;Murakami
  1. 比莉·艾利什x村上隆联名单品结合了这两位名人的独特风格,在图案中展示了二人的艺术视角,而且是专门为这家日本零售品牌设计的。

    The Billie Eilish x Takashi Murakami UT Collection will showcase the artistic perspectives of both stars through graphics combining their unique styles , which were exclusively designed for the Japanese retailer .

  2. 他们往往对当代艺术及战后艺术有很大的兴趣,尤其喜欢聪明的概念性作品,比如达明安赫斯特(damienhirst)、理查德普林斯和村上隆(takashimurakami)等人的作品。

    They tend to have tastes very much geared to contemporary and postwar art , especially towards clever , conceptual works such as those by Damien Hirst , Richard Prince and Takashi Murakami .

  3. 碧梨2019年的MV《YouShouldSeeMeInACrown》由村上隆导演。

    Takashi directed Billie 's 2019 music video ' You Should See Me In A Crown . '

  4. DeNA的“RobotShuttle”无人驾驶巴士研发组领导村上隆保证此项目安全可靠,因为该车满足了所有的安全措施要求。

    DeNA 's Robot Shuttle group leader Takashi Tsujiguchi assured that the project is surefire as the vehicle meets all safety measures .

  5. 她补充说,像LV和村上隆这样的合作既能提升艺术家的知名度,也能提高奢侈品牌的地位,但是在大众市场,这样的讯息传达起来更难。

    Luxury alliances like Vuitton and Mr. Murakami lift the stature of both artist and brand , but in the mass market , she added , the message can be harder to get across .

  6. 这款手包是为了纪念日本樱花而创作,由路易威登创意总监马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)和艺术家村上隆(TakashiMurakami)共同设计,以奇特的笑脸图案而著称。

    This style , celebrating Japanese cherry blossoms , was a collaboration between Louis Vuitton 's creative director Marc Jacobs , and the artist Takashi Murakami , known , among other things , for his whimsical smiley faces .

  7. 我们认为,村上隆把我们看成了竞争对手。

    We think Murakami saw us as competition , though .

  8. 我不管这是不是村上隆的设计。

    I don 't care if it 's murakami .

  9. 同样是反传统的现代艺术,村上隆的作品中多了一份温情的人文关怀。

    Though belonging to the anti-traditional modern art , his works contain warmhearted humanism .

  10. 村上隆业已成为一个全球品牌,但他的思维永远只能是日本式的。

    Mr Murakami has become a global brand , but he could not be anything other than Japanese .

  11. 而日本中青代艺术家,如奈良美智、村上隆,对世界的可爱卡通艺术更是具有先导的作用。

    And Yoshitomo Nara and Takashi Murakami introduce Super Flat and Cute Culture to the world art community .

  12. 村上隆因他和奢侈品牌、街头时尚品牌以及音乐家备受瞩目的合作而闻名。

    Murakami is widely known for his high-profile projects with luxury and streetwear fashion brands as well as collaborations with musicians .

  13. 本文首先从跨界代表人物&日本当代艺术家村上隆的艺术创作与品牌的跨界合作进行阐述,引申出跨界的概念及跨界可能存在的问题。

    This article first illustrates the artistic creation of the crossover representative , Takashi Murakami . Thus introduce the concept of crossover and problems that may happen in it .

  14. 村上隆不仅是一位活跃的电影和动画导演,也是凯凯琪琪有限公司的创始人和总裁,这是一家艺术制作和管理公司。

    In addition to being an active director of films and animation , he is the founder and president of Kaikai Kiki Co. , Ltd. , an art production and management company .