
  1. 基于ARM系统的印版网点面积率检测的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Printing Plate Mesh Point Area Rate Detection Based on ARM System

  2. 早晚稻均以高N高密群体N2D1、N2D2的LAI最高,同时具有较高的高效LAI和高效叶面积率。

    Population with both high nitrogen and high density in both early and late rice had the highest LAI and had a higher high efficient LAI and high effective leaf area ratio at the same time .

  3. 利用HPIAS一2000图像分析系统测定Bcl一2、Bax、Fas和Caspase一3在以上三组中表达的平均光密度和平均阳性面积率。

    The average optical density and the rate of positive area of expression of Bcl-2 , Bax , Fas and Caspase-3 were analyzed using image analysis Image HPIAS-2000 Analysis System .

  4. 应用图像分析技术,通过用Delphi语言自行编写的处理软件统计数码照片中裂缝区域与选定分析区域像素点的比值,逐步推算出开裂面积率。

    An image analysis technique is used to work out the rate of the cracking area by calculating the ratio of pixels between the crack area and the pre selected area in the digital pictures with a self developed Delphi software .

  5. 并提出轮廓长度率、表面真面积率、表面分形维数D、比例系数K四个评定参数,通过分析可以看出这组参数比传统方法所具有的优越性和代替传统方法的可能性。

    The rate of outline length and true area the fractional dimension D and scale coefficient K of the machined over surface are introduced in this paper . The advantages of these new methods over the traditional methods and its possibility to replace the traditional ones are also analyzed .

  6. 为了解决这个问题,避开密度测量,本文引人Murray-Davies的光谱反射率与网点面积率关系方程,利用最小二乘法求解有效网点面积率。

    To solving this problem , a new area effectively covered equation which using the regression was introduced .

  7. 然而,经典及修正的现有Murray-Davies网点面积率预测模型,没有直接把油墨与纸张的透射率作为基本因子考虑入模型,这显然与实际印刷有差距。

    However , the classic and the amendatory Murray-Davies dot coverage forecast model have not took the ink and the transmission of the paper as a basic factor and considered into the model there directly , This is clearly inconsistent with the actual printing .

  8. 用多幅照片求取机翼面积率的方法

    Solving the Rate of Wing Cross Sectional Area from Multiple Images

  9. 考虑骨料形状效应时混凝土界面面积率的计算

    Calculation of ITZ area fraction in concrete with aggregate shape effect

  10. 喷墨印刷中的网点面积率预测及网点扩大研究

    The Dot Coverage Prediction of the Inkjet Printing and Dot Gain Study

  11. 调频加网有效网点面积率计算研究

    Research of Effective Dot Area Transfer Functions with FM Halftoning

  12. 高效叶面积率低,每穗粒数少;

    Lower percentage of high effective leaf area , less grains per panicle ;

  13. 摆动辗压接触面积率的精确计算及其简化表达

    Precise calculation formula and simplified formulas of contact surface ratio in rotary forging

  14. 地图四色印刷网点面积率的计算

    Halftone dot percentage calculation for 4-COLORS map printing

  15. 喷墨数码印刷品网点扩大值和标定网点面积率间关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Dot Expansion of Digital Proofing and the Calibrated Dot Area Percentage

  16. 加强农业基础设施建设,发展节水农业,提高有效灌溉面积率。

    The enhancement agriculture infrastructure construction , the development saving water agriculture , enhances the effective irrigated area rate .

  17. 摆辗加工中摆头接触面积率的分析与计算&(Ⅱ)圆环形工件

    The Analysis and Calculation of the Snaking Contact Surface Area Ratio in Rotary Forging Process (ⅱ) Circular Ring Work-piece

  18. 印刷中的颜色预测模型,实际上它描述的是印刷油墨的网点面积率与最终印刷品上可测量的颜色物理量之间的数学关系。

    In fact , color prediction model in printing describes relation between dot area percentage and physical color parameter of prints .

  19. 从绩效角度,1.提出当量可渗水面积率概念;

    This paper , on a performance basis , ( 1 ) defines the concept of Pervious Cove equivalence ( PCe );

  20. 浇注温度越高、直浇道空心面积率越大,铝液充型速度越快。

    The higher the pouring temperature or the larger the sprue hollow area rate is , the faster the filling velocity of molten aluminum is .

  21. 对两种网点面积率计算方法计算得到的网点面积率进行了对比验证。

    Finally the thesis contrasted and validated the dot area results calculated by two methods which are used by this paper for calculating dot area coverage .

  22. 其一,城市公园绿地降低了城市热场的温度,其空间分布与面积率与城市热场强度成负相关性。

    First urban park green land reduce city hot temperature , and there is a minus relativity between space distribution , area and urban hot temperature .

  23. 对基于数字图像处理的网点面积率检测算法进行了探讨,给出了算法工作流程并建立了模型。

    Dot percentage checking of printing product based on digital image processing was discussed . Working flow of checking algorithm was given and algorithm model was established .

  24. 虽然冬季温室阴影面积率比夏季高,但其阴影下的光照强度仍然较高,能够满足作物生长对光照强度的需要。

    Though greenhouse shadow rate was higher in winter than in summer , light intensity in shadow was still higher and could satisfy with the needs of crop growth for illumination .

  25. 并在非线性辨识理论的基础上,建立闭环的数学模型,寻求印刷流程中数字版面网点面积率与墨键开度之间的关系。

    On the basis of identification system , we construct a closed-loop mathematics model of ink zone control , finding the relations between dot area of the digital printing and the ink key opening .

  26. 它主要用于出现了数量较多、尺寸较大的二次裂纹的疲劳断口,将疲劳断口上分布的二次裂纹面积率作为定量分析构件疲劳寿命的一个参数。

    It is mainly applied to those cases there are many large secondary cracks in fracture surface . Secondary crack area ratio is regarded as a parameter of quantitative analysis in evaluating fatigue life of component .

  27. 骨皮质部骨与种植体接触面积率,两组之间差异无显著性。

    In the area of cortical bone , no difference was found in the extent of implant-bone contact between two groups , while in the area of spongy bone the extent of contact was different obviously .

  28. 论保护规划中建设控制地带和控制措施的法律效力可渗水面积率在控规中的估算方法与设计应用


  29. 在道路网规模方面,首先从道路网密度、道路面积率和道路等级级配等角度,对我国大城市道路网规模的发展现状进行分析;

    To the scale of road network , firstly , this paper analysis the actuality of our big citees ' road network scale from the angle of road network density , road area ratio and road level arrangement .

  30. 从这些值中选出与全国小麦条锈病发病面积率距平相关显著的关键时段关键环流因子,建立了全国小麦条锈病发病面积率距平预报模型Ⅰ。

    The key atmospheric circulation factors and corresponding key periods , which were significantly related to incidence area rate anomaly of wheat stripe rust , were selected to establish forecasting model I which can predict the incidence area rate anomaly of wheat stripe rust .