
  1. 骑士盾上的笑面鱼梁木也暗示了他不会是奈德;尽管也有故意撇清的嫌疑。

    The laughing weirwood on the Knight 's shield also seems unlike Ned , though it may be an attempt to throw off suspicion .

  2. 半坡的彩陶盆上还有一种人面鱼纹图形,把人面和鱼形纹样结合在一起,鳄鱼皮纹理状低面鞋

    On a painted pottery basin from Banpo Village , for instance , we see the design of a human face with a fish 's body . mary janes of alligator-grained leather

  3. 你喜欢面拖鱼还是面包屑鱼排?

    Do you prefer fish in batter or in breadcrumbs ?

  4. 彩陶十分出色,红地黑彩,花纹简练朴素,绘人面、鱼、鹿、植物枝叶及几何形纹样。

    Painted pottery is very good , red and black color , pattern concise and simple , painted people face , fish , deer , plant foliage and geometric-shaped patterns .

  5. 用响应面法对金线鱼肝胰脏蛋白酶的激活及提取条件进行了优化。

    The activation and extraction conditions of protease in hepatopancreas from Nemipterus virgatus ( Houttuyn ) were optimized by response surface methodology ( RSM ) .