
  • 网络facial lobe
  1. 而且面叶和迷走叶中细胞形态和核团分布差异也较大。

    Moreover , cell morphology and nuclear distribution of facial lobe and vagal lobe in the three kinds of catfishes are different significantly .

  2. 任意旋成面叶栅B类气动杂交命题周角函数型变分有限元解

    Variational Finite Element Calculation on the Angular Function for Hybrid Aerodynamic Problem-B of Cascade on an Arbitrary Stream Sheet of Revolution

  3. 叶为等面叶,具有C4植物结构特征;

    The leaves were isobilateral and showed the structure character of C_4 plants .

  4. 对NASA叶片进行了实例计算。计算结果表明,本文建立的计算方法和程序,只需将分流叶片数给为零,即可计算不带分流叶片的任意旋成面叶栅流场。

    The computation for NASA 's blades is taken and the result demonstrates that the method and program can be used for calculating the flowing field of cascades which have no splitter blades .

  5. 任意回转面叶旋转效应分析

    An Analysis of Rotating Effect of Arbitrary Cyclical Surface Cascade Flows

  6. 压缩机回转面叶栅跨音速绕流计算

    Calculation of Transonic Flow around Compressor Blade for Arbitrary Surface of Revolution

  7. 第三,针对水轮机叶片的特点,完成了各圆柱面叶栅进口安放角的求解算法。

    Thirdly , it accomplished the computation of blade incidence .

  8. 任意旋成面叶栅内粘性流场的数值计算

    Viscous flow field calculation of general blade to blade surface

  9. 北柴胡的叶为异面叶,由叶片和叶柄组成。

    Was the typical bifacial leaf which composed of blade and stipe .

  10. 结果表明,香果树叶为典型异面叶;

    The observed results indicate that the leaf belongs to typical bifacial leaf .

  11. 径流式S1流面叶栅半反命题的变分原理

    Variational Principles for Semi-inverse Problem of Cascades on a Radial-flow S1 Stream Surface

  12. 流体机械倾斜流面叶栅的变换理论及试验

    A Transformation Theory and Test for the Inclined Stream Surface Cascade of Fluid Machines

  13. 直纹面叶型整体叶轮五坐标数控编程算法研究

    Studies on the Algorithm for Five_Axis NC Programming of Integrated Impeller with Ruled Blade Profile

  14. 变工况非定常叶栅绕流数值仿真任意旋成面叶栅的湿蒸汽绕流计算

    Calculation of Wet Steam Flow Past Cascade of Arbitrary Airfoils on General Surface of Revolution

  15. 任意旋成面叶栅跨音绕流的数值试验

    Numerical test of transonic flow passing cascade of arbitrary airfoils on general surface of revolution

  16. 任意回转流面叶栅出气角的确定

    Predicting exit flow angle for flow past cascade section on an arbitrary stream surface of revolution

  17. 叶片都包括表皮、叶肉和叶脉,且为等面叶。

    The leaf blade consists of epidermis , mesophyll and vein , which is iso-bilateral leaf .

  18. 进一步研制出二维平面和任意回转面叶型自动优化设计软件。

    Software was developed , which can design2D blade profiles of plane and arbitrary rotating surfaces .

  19. 推广了三元流理论中常用的任意旋成面叶栅的相应理论。

    Responding theory for any revolved surface cascade used commonly in three dimensional flow theory is extended .

  20. 叶的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织和成熟结构3个阶段,其叶为典型的等面叶。

    The development of leaf includes original meristem , primary meristem and mature structure of three stages .

  21. 任意回转面叶栅气动边界元计算

    Boundary element method for solving direct aerodynamic problem of aerofoil cascades on an arbitrary stream surface of revolution

  22. 径流式S1流面叶栅水动杂交命题的变域变分理论

    Variational principles for hydrodynamic hybrid problems of cascades on radial s_1 stream surface based on variations with variable domain

  23. 有限体积法求解任意回转面叶栅叶型反问题设计的欧拉方程

    Finite Volume Method to Solve Euler Equation for Inverse Problem of Cascade Blade Design on Arbitrary Revolving Stream Surface

  24. 栅栏组织和储水组织发达,构成等面叶和肉质叶;具粘液细胞;

    Well developed palisade tissues and water storing tissue , forming equilateral leaves and succulent leaves possessing mucilage cells .

  25. 超声速回转面叶栅栅前激波形状的计算单轴晶体内e光的波面

    Computation of the detached shock shape in a supersonic or transonic cascade wave surface of e-ray of uniaxial crystal

  26. 提出了一个通过任意谈成面叶棚的湿蒸汽平衡态流动的简化模型。

    A simplified model of wet steam equilibrium flow past cascade of arbitrary airfoils on general surface of revolution is presented .

  27. 结果表明,沉香叶为典型的异面叶,但具有许多旱生特征。

    The results indicates that the leaf is typical bifacial and has characteristics of xeric in the morphology and the anatomy .

  28. 叶为异面叶,表皮毛为多细胞型,下表皮气孔密度多于上表皮,上下表皮均有角质层。

    The density of stoma in the down-epidermis was bigger than the up-epidermis , the two sides of the leaf had corneous layer .

  29. 任意回转面叶栅超声速进口流场特征线法计算机程序和唯一进气角的确定

    Computer program of supersonic flow past inlet of cascade section on an arbitrary stream filament of revolution and determing unique inlet flow angle

  30. 应用非正交曲线坐标系流函数方程求解任意回转面叶栅的一种气动杂交问题

    A new method for solving aerodynamic hybrid problem of profile cascade on s_1 stream surface of revolution by employing stream function equation expressed with non-orthogonal coordinate system