
miàn diǎn
  • pastry;snacks made from flour
  1. 如果找不到面点专用粉,可以用通用面粉。

    Use all-purpose flour if you cannot find pastry flour .

  2. 她是一个很棒的厨师,尤其擅长做面点。

    She 's a wonderful cook , especially in pastry making .

  3. AUTOCAD环境下大幅面点阵图像实时显示的方法

    The Method of Large-sized Raster Image Real-time Display with Auto CAD

  4. 她的舌头非常的挑剔:除了吃Whiskers,她还吃吐司,各种面点,炒饭,蒸鱼。

    Not only did she enjoy cat food immensely , she also loved toast , pastries of all sorts , stir-fries and steamed fish .

  5. LIDAR点云滤波是将LIDAR点云数据中的地面点和非地面点分离的过程。

    LIDAR points cloud filtering is a preprocessing for the application of LIDAR data , it can filter out non-ground data from original data set .

  6. 运用FORTRAN语言,并根据理论计算得到齿面点坐标,编制程序,建立斜齿轮三维有限元分析模型。

    According to point coordinates on the tooth surface calculated theoretically and using FORTRAN , this paper compiles the programs and builds3D finite element model of the helical gear .

  7. 日内瓦面点大师GillesDesplanches和200多名志愿者以及面点专家一起制作了这个世界上最长的“millefeuille”蛋糕。

    Genevan baker and pastry maker Gilles Desplanches has put together the world 's longest " millefeuille " cake .

  8. 加强面点实践教学的几点思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening Practical Teaching of the Course " Wheaten Food "

  9. 从航摄照片求任意地面点高程的新算法

    The new algorithm for obtaining the height of arbitrary point on the ground

  10. 渐开螺旋面点接触逆式外啮合

    The Counter Outside Engagement of Involute Helicoids on Point

  11. 当代艺术品收藏,你准备好了吗超市面点销售的数学模型

    Are You Ready Mathematical Model of Ready - Made Flour-Product Sales in Supermarkets

  12. 试论面点制作技术教学方法

    On the Teaching Methods of the Pastry Making Technology

  13. 把面点放在苹果上,但不要大力压上去。

    Cover the stewed apples with the crumble topping , without pressing down .

  14. 他们在海滩上让脚凉快下来,并享受丹麦的面点和啤酒。

    They cooled their feet on a beach and enjoyed Danish pastries and beer .

  15. 超市面点销售的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Ready-Made Flour-Product Sales in Supermarkets

  16. 轻型多孔蛋糕,由鸡蛋、面粉、食糖做成,不含使面点酥松的油脂。

    A light porous cake made with eggs and flour and sugar without shortening .

  17. 面团的筋力强弱直接影响到面点成品的质量。

    The pulling force of dough gluten affects directly the quality of light refreshments .

  18. 设置自适应阈值,完成地面点与非地面点的判断。

    At last , adaptive threshold is used to distinguish ground points and non-ground points .

  19. 超市面点、盘菜纳米保鲜包装技术的应用研究

    The Research of the Effect of Nanocomposite Packaging Technology on Supermarket Steamed Bread and Dishes

  20. 烘烤30分钟左右,或者直到苹果上的面点变成松脆的金黄色。

    Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the crumble is golden brown and crunchy .

  21. 大尺寸回转体型面点坐标及形心轴线测量系统的研制

    Development of Measurement System for Surface Point Coordinate and Symmetry Axes of Large Scale Rotary Object

  22. 基于线元几何的旋转面点云数据旋转轴提取算法

    An Estimation Algorithm of the Axis of Rotation from 3D Cloud Data Based on Line Element

  23. 面点和多种多样成分严谨的面粉糕饼在中国拥有悠久的历史。

    Light refreshments and pastries of great variety and meticulous composition have a long history in China .

  24. 我国面点文化历史源远流长,面点烹饪享有盛誉。

    China 's wheaten food culture is of long standing , and its cuisine enjoys world fame .

  25. 这些传统面点的制作技艺及其文化内涵是我国丰富的文化遗产之一。

    The craftsmanship and its cultural connotation of traditional pastry is one of abundant cultural heritages in China .

  26. 山东面点文化是历代从事烹饪工作的人们聪明才智的结晶,是中国灿烂文明的组成部分。

    Shandong pastry culture is the product of intelligence and wisdom of people who were engaging in cooking .

  27. 汉朝时期,中国人开始用酵母制作馒头、饼等面点;

    In the Han Dynasty , Chinese began using yeast to make steamed bread , cake and other pastries ;

  28. 一机多用,综合压面,切面功能,适合糕点厂,面包房,食堂及面点加工单位。

    The machine can be used in food factory , restaurant and kinds of other places for cake made .

  29. 馓子,一种面点,是回族和其他民族用于传统节日招待客人的食品。

    Sanzi , a flour-based pastry , is a traditional festival Fook for guests among the Hui and other nationalities .

  30. 该方法能有效过滤非地面点并保留具有连续起伏变化的地形。

    This method has better effect on filtering LiDAR ground point cloud and retaining continuous undulate topography at the same time .