
miàn tāng
  • Noodle soup;noodles in soup;water in which noodles have been boiled;hot water in washing basin
面汤 [miàn tāng]
  • (1) [water in which noodles have been boiled]∶煮过面条的水

  • (2) [noodles in soup]〈方〉∶汤面

  • (3) [hot water in washing basin] 〈方〉∶洗脸的热水

面汤[miàn tāng]
  1. 正确烹饪袋装面汤需要“被迫等待”。

    Properly preparing packaged noodle soup requires a Forced Wait .

  2. 下次当你站在水槽边等着它装满,并一边煮着得吃到一大包现金从天而降为止的面汤时,不要绝望。

    The next time you 're standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you 'll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky , don 't be desperate .

  3. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  4. “老板,来两碗面汤”我迫不及待的提出申请。

    " Bosses to " I can not wait to submit applications .

  5. 你午餐要一些面汤吗?

    Do you want some noodle soup for lunch ?

  6. 阿宝:等等……只是传统的面汤么?

    Po : Wait , wait ... it 's just plain old noodle soup ?

  7. 面汤香味浓郁,稍微有点儿滑腻,这样刚刚好。

    The broth has a decent richness and slight oiliness which is just right .

  8. 原来这个面汤是用切碎的辣椒和辣椒油做的。

    The soup was decorated with chopped hot pepper and made with chili oil .

  9. 你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?

    Would you like chowder or chicken noodle ?

  10. 鸡肉面汤,沙律,烤牛肉,布丁,咖啡或茶。

    Chicken noodle soup , salad , roast beef , pudding , coffee of tea .

  11. 面汤的海鲜味很不错,主要是虾的味道。

    The broth has a nice seafood flavor leaning mostly towards the prawn end of the stick .

  12. 面汤浓,但浓到你依然可以将锅子倾斜后轻易舀出。

    It 's thick , but you can still easily ladle it out by tilting the pan .

  13. 剧本与台词父亲:你就快准备好继承我的面汤的秘密配方了。

    Dad : You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup .

  14. 用尽可能少的水煮面有一个我当初没有料到的好处:面汤。

    There 's one other dividend to cooking pasta in minimal water that I hadn 't anticipated : the leftover pasta water .

  15. 意大利做法经常建议人们加入面汤调整调料的浓度,但是这种浓汁几乎本身就是一种调料。

    Italian recipes often suggest adding pasta water to adjust the consistency of a sauce , but this thick water is almost a sauce in itself .

  16. 在香港,美国为4.25美元可以买到您在您当地的星巴克的虾面汤或一杯咖啡花式碗。

    In Hong Kong , US $ 4.25 can buy you a bowl of shrimp noodle soup or a fancy cup of coffee at your local Starbucks .

  17. 我们俩的面汤凉了,两个人吃完剩下的面付了钱后走出了这家拥挤的小饭馆,至于什么为富不忍和怜香惜玉的话,是在回公司的路上探讨的话题。

    We both the cooler , and the remaining two were finished after him out of this crowded the small restaurant , as to what the rich could not bear and so , the company is back on the road topic .

  18. 最后得到的便是奶油酱(cremina),这种酱料的油腻感并非来自黄油或奶油,而是羊奶干酪中的脂肪、意面中的淀粉以及面汤余热的共同结果。

    The result is the cremina , a sauce whose unctuousness results not from butter or cream , but from the combination of the fat from the pecorino , the starch from the pasta and the residual heat of the cooking water .

  19. 它的外面有一个大招牌,展示了店里最美味的菜肴名字,从英文来看,有“在碗里”、“你面粉丝绸”、“牛肉猫耳朵”,以及名为“浇在我姥姥上的汁”的面汤。

    It has a large sign outside showing some of its tastiest dishes , with English translations : " In Bowl , " " You Flour Silk , " " Beef Cat 's Ear " and a noodle dish in broth known as " Sauce on My Grandma . "