
  1. 做水果沙拉可是得用刀呀!

    Do I have to use knife to make a fruit salad ?

  2. 一些人用桔子和苹果做水果沙拉。

    Some people make fruit salad with oranges and apples .

  3. 我们需要多少个苹果做水果沙拉?三个。

    How many apples do we need to make fruit salad ? Three .

  4. 做水果沙拉你需要什么?请问沙拉要什么调料呢?

    What do we need for the fruit salad ? What dressing do you want ?

  5. 我妹妹擅长做水果沙拉。

    My sister making fruit salad .

  6. 咱们做水果沙拉吧。

    Let 's make fruit salad .

  7. 要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。

    Or just eat and savor6 a whole orange or make a fruit salad .

  8. 搭配红浆果做的甜点,水果沙拉和果酱馅饼美味异常。

    Serving as red berries desserts , fruit salads and some fruit pastries .