
zuò pài
  • Style;way;acting;business;practice;action;method;conduct;gestures and movements on stage
做派 [zuò pài]
  • (1) [way;method;practice;conduct;action]∶做法;所作所为

  • 我不赞成你们的做派

  • (2) [acting;business;gestures and movements on stage]∶戏曲中的动作、表演

做派[zuò pài]
  1. 尽管Uber可能令人抓狂、咄咄逼人且具有美国人的做派,但它仍有值得借鉴的地方。

    Infuriating , aggressive and American it may be ; it is still worth learning from .

  2. 这和意大利餐馆gemma同属一种做派。

    The same rule applies to the Italian restaurant , Gemma .

  3. 但threadneedle一点也不招摇,丝毫没有浮夸的做派。

    But there is nothing grandiose or flashy about Threadneedle .

  4. 大众和铃木本该想一想以往汽车企业联姻失败的例子,应该想到雄心勃勃的费迪南德皮耶希(ferdinandpich)领导下的大众公司、与铃木修这种家长做派领导下的铃木之间,很有可能是格格不入的。

    VW and Suzuki should have considered the wreckage of past automotive alliances and the potential incompatibility of the German company , under the ambitious Ferdinand PI ch , and the Japanese one under a protective patriarch such as Mr Suzuki .

  5. 还是不清楚他们是些什么做派的人。

    Still it was not clear what manner of people they were .

  6. 我不是侦探:我是做派的。

    Ned : I 'm not a detective : I make pies .

  7. 她会说“我做派去了”

    She 'll say , " I 've been making pie . "

  8. 此外,嬉皮士的那种做派和方法似乎也过时得惹人讨厌了。

    Moreover , hippie style and methods seem painfully outdated .

  9. 我只是还你做派用的馅。

    I 'm just giving you back your pie filling .

  10. 音乐以某种做派反映大脑的节奏。

    Music may reflect cerebral rhythms in some fashion .

  11. 电视评论说此节目利用了专横妈妈们的一贯做派。

    TV critics said the program exploited the stereotype of the overbearing mamma .

  12. 为什么做派文雅的经济学家必须成为超级英雄?

    Why do mild-mannered economists have to become superheroes ?

  13. 巴菲特的接班人会有巴菲特所不具备的强硬做派吗?

    Will Buffett 's successor be the hard-line boss that Buffett isn 't ?

  14. 在休斯顿他湖的做派绝不可能得逞。

    The Lakers have no shot at getting away with that nonsense in Houston .

  15. 但与人民打成一片正是贝卢斯科尼先生固有的亲民做派。

    But contact with the people is intrinsic to Mr Berlusconi 's populist style .

  16. 我不想要做派用的馅。

    I don 't want my pie filling .

  17. 他们羡慕的是巴西一直以来的大胆做派。

    The admiration is for continuing boldness .

  18. 很有纪念意义啊,尽管天公不作美,大家情绪还是很高&这也是英国做派!

    Remarkably , spirits remained high despite the weather – again , a very British outlook !

  19. 他有点老做派

    He was kinda old school .

  20. 它的目标包括那些自大骄傲虚伪的计算机安全公司和在线游戏公司,还有官僚做派的组织。

    As well as officialdom , its targets included computer-security and online-gaming companies regarded as pompous , complacent or hypocritical .

  21. 尽管公主还能年幼但是有用户评论道,“俨然一副优质女王做派。”

    Despite her young years one user commented that she had ' all the makings of a great queen ' .

  22. 最烦人的就是那些模棱两可的家伙(不幸的是,大多数风投恰好就是这种做派)。

    But it is the ambiguous people who are the killer ( and unfortunately , often the majority of VCS ) .

  23. 然而当看到父亲在老板面前丢人的做派时,孩子们认识到自己的父亲并不是个伟人。

    But Seeing their father humiliate himself before his boss , the children accept that their father is not a great man .

  24. 翻译成为“倘使美国人始终有着帝国做派,他们也为世界贡献了主权在民的理想信念”会不会更好些呢?

    If Americans have always had the habit of empire , they have also endowed the world with the ideal of popular sovereignty .

  25. 就用石头、剪子、布的策略,去买根棒球杆回来,在办公室里作挥杆动作,一副典型的大男子做派。

    Employ paper , scissor , stone tactics and buy a baseball bat to swing around the office in a stereotypical alpha male fashion .

  26. 他的斯瓦比亚现实主义做派,与败北的前总理史蒂芬??马普斯的保守好战相比,更契合该州的精神。

    His down-to-earth Swabian manner matches the state 's spirit better than did the conservative pugnacity of Stefan Mappus , the premier he defeated .

  27. 其实巴切莱特的节俭做派也不过是延续了智利历任总统在这方面的传统风格而已,该国大部分总统即使在上任后也会继续住在自己家中,巴切莱特同样如此。

    Her prudence is also a tradition of Chilean presidents , most of whom lived in their own homes after assuming office , as does Bachelet .

  28. 她的幸运在于,在这个由贵族做派的男人(温和派从未懂得如何与她打交道)所主导的体系中,她是一个强硬的一个女人;

    lucky that she was a tough woman in a system dominated by patrician men ( the wets never knew how to cope with her ) ;

  29. 我们会争吵,我不会喜欢上层社会的做派,你不会喜欢我乱写东西,我们在一起不会开心的。

    And we would quarrel , because we can 't help it , even now . I 'd hate elegant society , you 'd hate my scribbling .

  30. 你若能与一个和善的韩国家庭同住,这几天将是深入观察儒家做派的绝佳机会。

    If you have an in with a kind Korean family , this would be a great opportunity for an in depth look at Confucianism in action .