
  • 网络Market maker;market-maker;marketmaker;OTC
  1. 近日遭遇电子股票交易故障的美国做市商KnightCapitalGroup以“交易科学,信任标杆”作为宣传语。

    Knight Capital , the market maker at the centre of the latest malfunction in electronic share trading , bills itself as : " the science of trading , the standard of trust . "

  2. 人们的关注点落到了KnightCapital所运行的一种算法上。问题暴露后,这家电子做市商在纽约上市的股票到午盘时已放量暴跌逾23%,报7.92美元。

    Focus centred on an algo run by Knight Capital , an electronic market maker whose own shares had plunged more than 23 per cent to $ 7.92 in heavy volume by midday in New York after the problems were revealed .

  3. 做市商靠赚取买卖价差生存。

    Market makers earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices .

  4. NASDAQ市场的做市商制度及其经验借鉴

    NASDAQ Market-maker System and Its Referential Experiences

  5. 其良好交易制度的最明显特点是在NASDAQ市场上有完善的做市商制度。

    NASDAQ gains great success owe to its upstanding exchange system , whose evident character is perfect make-marketing system .

  6. 这种现象导致做市商和特设交易商(specialist)的彻底消失,雇佣分析师研究所交易股票的经纪公司也随之大量消亡。

    This led to a annihilation of the market makers and specialists as well as decimation of the brokerage houses that employed analysts to cover the stocks that they traded in .

  7. 它还让我想起在1986年的金融去监管化“大变革”(bigbang)之前伦敦金融城的组织方式,当时股票经纪商与股票自营商(现在被称为做市商)分开经营。

    It also reminds me of the way the city of London was organised before the big bang deregulation in 1986 , when stock brokers were separated from stock jobbers ( what would now be known as marketmakers ) .

  8. 做市商也常常会抓住etf价值和标的指数之间的差距,并通过套利来填平差距。

    Market-makers also tend to seize on gaps that open up between the value of an ETF and its underlying index , and eliminate them through arbitrage .

  9. 首先是七国集团(g7)增强银行弹性的行动计划,以使银行恢复其做市商的作用。

    The first is the action plan of the group of seven leading industrialised nations to make banks resilient so that they can resume their market-making roles .

  10. 在这种两级市场,散户投资者通常购买并长期持有ETF,交易员和做市商却由于诸多不同原因快速地吃进、卖出基金。

    In this two-tier market , retail investors tend to buy and hold ETFs while traders and market-makers move in and out of funds rapidly for many different reasons .

  11. 加拿大央行(bankofcanada)行长马克卡尼(markcarney)有关央行作为最后做市商的想法就是在往这方面思考,这主要是为了保持货币市场中短期融资的关键流动性。

    Mark Carney , governor of the Bank of Canada , has moved this way with his idea about central banks acting as market makers of last resort , mainly to keep the crucial liquidity of short-term funding flowing in money markets .

  12. 由于中国市场不采用做市商制度,在没有Bid-Ask数据的情况下改进了以前的模型,从而对中国股票市场信息不对称的程度进行了度量。

    Information asymmetry without bid-ask spread data for the order-driving trade mechanism in China stock market was measured by proper extending of the previous theoretical model .

  13. 对ETF来说,流动性好的市场十分重要,因为基金发行者或做市商需要买卖某只基金所追踪的证券,以便创建或赎回份额。

    A liquid market is important for ETFs , because the fund issuer or market makers need to buy and sell the securities a fund is tracking , in order to create or redeem shares .

  14. 利用升降级转板机制、做市商制度、退市机制、加强宣传、扶持本地企业等措施,形成一个层次互补、模式相似、上市标准递进的OTC市场体系。

    On this basis , we can use transfer mechanism , down-layer mechanism , market maker system , withdraw mechanism , strengthen the propaganda , and support local enterprises , to establish OTC market system that has complementary level , similar pattern and progressive listing standards .

  15. 做市商在多伦多证券交易所(TSX)的作用是增加流动性,同时在价格优先,时间优先的基础上保持订单驱动的连续拍卖市场。

    The role of the Market Maker on Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) is to augment liquidity , while maintaining the primacy of an order-driven continuous auction market based on price-time priority .

  16. 英国国债做市商协会(Gilt-EdgedMarketMakersAssociation)拥有直接从英国债务管理办公室(DMO)购买证券的排他性权力。该协会的诸多大型成员银行都位于往来奥运场馆的交通线上,其中很多银行都安排员工奥运期间在家里工作。

    With many of the largest banks - which make up the elite Gilt-Edged Market Makers Association exclusively allowed to buy securities directly from the Debt Management Office - dotted along the transport routes to and from the main Olympic site , many employers are making arrangements for staff to work from home .

  17. 做市商理论及其在我国的应用

    The Theory of Market - maker and its Application in China

  18. 做市商制度下证券价格的形成机制分析

    Analysis on formation mechanisms of security price under market maker system

  19. 做市商理论及其指导意义

    The theory of make - market trader and its guiding significance

  20. 做市商制度与银行间债券市场的发展

    The Development of the Market maker and Bond Market Among Banks

  21. 做市商制度选择:股票市场与国债市场差异分析

    Comparison of Market Making in Equities and Fixed Income Markets

  22. 创业板市场引入做市商制度的研究

    Research about introducing market maker rule into second board market

  23. 传播维护-衡量做市商的双面市场能力。

    Spread Maintenance-Measures the Market Maker 's ability to call a2-sided market .

  24. 论创业板市场实行做市商制度的必要性

    Necessity of Establishing Market Maker System in Second Board Market

  25. 浅议做市商制移植

    A Tentative Discussion on the Transplantation of Market Maker System

  26. 第四部分重点分析了纳斯达克的交易制度&做市商制度。

    The part ⅲ analyzes the NASDAQ trading system-Market-Maker mechanism .

  27. 银行间债券市场做市商制度研究

    Research on market maker mechanism of bond market between banks

  28. 做市商制度起源于传统的柜台交易市场。

    Market making system is originated from the counter market .

  29. 创业板做市商制度研究

    Research on the Delisting System of Growth Enterprise Market

  30. 论我国债券市场做市商制度的发展

    Discussion About the Development of Market Maker System in Bond Market of China