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  1. 灯台上应做七盏灯,把七盏灯放上,使光照耀灯台前面的空间。

    Thou shalt make also seven lamps , and shalt set them upon the candlestick , to give light over against .

  2. 一项最新研究发现,女人有了老公后每周得多做七个小时的家务活,而对于男人而言,结婚则意味着每周少做一小时的家务。

    Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women , according to a new study .

  3. 有了老公每周多做七小时家务?!一项最新研究发现,女人有了老公后每周得多做七个小时的家务活,而对于男人而言,结婚则意味着每周少做一小时的家务。

    Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women , according to a new study . For men , tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores .

  4. 我做过七年的龙卷风高级安全指挥。

    I was a junior tornado safety captain for seven years .

  5. 所以,他们仅仅做了七个月,就开始盈利,一点都不奇怪。

    No wonder it became profitable after only seven months .

  6. 这些犯了错的投资商会评论你所做的七件事。

    The mistake entrepreneurs make is to start judging which of the seven you do .

  7. 这里有每个男孩在泡妞时都应当去做的七个顶级步骤!

    Here are the Top7 steps what every guy should do to win a girl 's heart !

  8. 我在北京做了七年记者,积蓄了很多可以借用的场景和氛围。

    Seven years as a reporter there gave me a sort of reservoir of scenes and atmospheres to draw on .

  9. 这七个管理模块,即可以做为七套独立的管理系统使用,也可以关联在一起联合使用。

    This seven management module , which can be set as seven separate management systems to be linked together in combination .

  10. 此文列举了宠物狗常做的七件事,如果他们自己做的话将有助于宠物的主人。

    The article listed seven things done regularly by pet dogs which could be helpful to pet owners if they themselves did them .

  11. 在找到体力需求相对较少的工作之前,她做了七年的手工劳动者,拿着每天一美元都不到的工资。

    For seven years , she worked as a manual laborer making less than a dollar a day before finding less physically demanding work .

  12. 本文主要做以下七个方面的工作:一、结合肤色的特点改进了一种自适应梯度二值化方法。

    This paper mainly for the following seven aspects : 1 . Combine with the skin characteristic , we design an adaptive binary gradient method .

  13. 做哥七年了,本柯林斯有好多话要说,这些试替哥的故事定能让全世界车迷们疯狂不已。

    Ben Collins has a great story to tell about his seven years as The Stig which will appeal to a wide audience beyond the world of motoring enthusiasts .

  14. 你可以很容易地找到我们的房子,因为门上有个巨大的黄铜做的“七”字。

    You can find our house easily because there 's a large brass seven on the door .

  15. 用精金做灯台的七个灯盏,并灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘。

    They made its seven lamps , as well as its wick trimmers and trays , of pure gold .

  16. 他准备做他的第七个动作,向前翻腾一周半转体半周。

    He 's going to go his seventh dive , the forward one and a half somersaults with half twist .

  17. 我六点半做家庭作业,七点半左右吃早餐。

    I do my homework at six-thirty , and then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty .

  18. 我终于挣脱出来,做了一件七岁男孩唯一能做的充满男子汉气概的事--我躲到了妈妈身后。

    Finally I break free and do the only manly thing available when you 're 7 years old - I dive behind my mother .

  19. 因此呢在这做核试验的七年时间,我有了一个梦想,我想创建一个“在瓶子中的星星”,一个在我车库里的星星。

    So in about seven years of doing nuclear research , I started out with a dream to make a " star in a jar , " a star in my garage ,

  20. 小高:四月五月最宜做计划,不过七八月要小心,在感情问题上可能有点小小的挫折。

    Yeah ! It says April and May could be the best months to make plans . Be careful in July and August , though , because Loveand relationships might take a slight hit .

  21. 提出了调整结点的优先列表的算法,以保证每个结点被一个也只能是一个结点选择做自己的第七个优先结点,并相应地提出了一个处理结点失败的算法。

    We propose algorithms to modify the preferred list in such a way that each node will be selected as the km preferred node of one and only one other node and proposed a simple mechanism to tolerate node failures .

  22. 同时,以68%的市场份额雄踞市场老大的Fitbit公司则对科技资讯网(CNET)做了一个简短声明,称自己这么做早已有七年之久了。

    Meanwhile Fitbit , which dominates the category with 68 % market share , made a short statement to CNET that it 's been doing this for seven years , guys .