
Thou shalt make also seven lamps , and shalt set them upon the candlestick , to give light over against .
Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women , according to a new study .
Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women , according to a new study . For men , tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores .
I was a junior tornado safety captain for seven years .
No wonder it became profitable after only seven months .
The mistake entrepreneurs make is to start judging which of the seven you do .
Here are the Top7 steps what every guy should do to win a girl 's heart !
Seven years as a reporter there gave me a sort of reservoir of scenes and atmospheres to draw on .
This seven management module , which can be set as seven separate management systems to be linked together in combination .
The article listed seven things done regularly by pet dogs which could be helpful to pet owners if they themselves did them .
For seven years , she worked as a manual laborer making less than a dollar a day before finding less physically demanding work .
This paper mainly for the following seven aspects : 1 . Combine with the skin characteristic , we design an adaptive binary gradient method .
Ben Collins has a great story to tell about his seven years as The Stig which will appeal to a wide audience beyond the world of motoring enthusiasts .
You can find our house easily because there 's a large brass seven on the door .
They made its seven lamps , as well as its wick trimmers and trays , of pure gold .
He 's going to go his seventh dive , the forward one and a half somersaults with half twist .
I do my homework at six-thirty , and then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty .
Finally I break free and do the only manly thing available when you 're 7 years old - I dive behind my mother .
So in about seven years of doing nuclear research , I started out with a dream to make a " star in a jar , " a star in my garage ,
Yeah ! It says April and May could be the best months to make plans . Be careful in July and August , though , because Loveand relationships might take a slight hit .
We propose algorithms to modify the preferred list in such a way that each node will be selected as the km preferred node of one and only one other node and proposed a simple mechanism to tolerate node failures .
Meanwhile Fitbit , which dominates the category with 68 % market share , made a short statement to CNET that it 's been doing this for seven years , guys .