
bào sāng
  • announce a death;give an obituary notice;announce sb.'s death
报丧 [bào sāng]
  • [announce a death] 把某人去世的消息通知其亲友

报丧[bào sāng]
  1. 他过去5年一心报丧女之仇。

    He has devoted the past five years to avenging his daughter 's death

  2. 他过去5年一心报丧女之仇

    He has devoted the past five years to avenging his daughter 's death .

  3. 给死亡孩子的父母打电话报丧这桩尴尬的差事。

    The unenviable task of ringing the parents of the dead child .

  4. 教堂那边传来一声报丧的钟声,粗暴地打断了这些幼稚的想法。

    A knell from the church bell broke harshly on these youthful thoughts .

  5. 而你对她的感恩回报,就是像报丧女妖一样哭得天昏地暗。

    You thanked her by wailing like a banshee .

  6. 他父亲昨夜去世的,已经派人分头去他的亲戚家报丧了。

    His father passed away last night , and Job 's posts have been sent to his relatives .

  7. 故有些不孝子报丧时须在舅家门口下跪痛哭较长时间。

    Give obituary notice it when some unfilial shall kneel down in front of a longer period of time crying .

  8. 但当他翻译出电文来是报丧,他那一股高兴就转为满腔怒气。

    But when the telegram turned out to be an obituary notice , his spirits sank . He was furious .

  9. 应该报丧的亲戚朋友就得先开一个单子。

    Then draw up a list of relatives and friends of the family to be notified when he , passes away .

  10. 这天下午,曾沧海躺在花厅里的烟榻上生气,却并不是又受了镇上“新贵”们的排挤,而是因为吴荪甫打来的“报丧”急电到的太迟。

    This afternoon , Tseng tsang-hai was fuming on his opium-couch , not because he was being hounded by the " new nobility " again , but because the telegram from Wu sun-fu announcing the death of his father had arrived much too late .