
  • 网络kiosk;Newsstand
报亭 [bào tíng]
  • [news kiosk (pavilion)] 专门卖报刊杂志的小店铺,外形像亭子

  1. 话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛然撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。

    But just as he is saying this , a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin .

  2. 然后Martha把Bruno带到一个报亭,让他买份报纸回来。

    Then Martha sends Bruno to the newspaper stand to bring her a paper .

  3. 看见有报亭在卖《先驱论坛报》

    And I see a newsstand selling the " Herald Tribune "

  4. 在那边的报亭就买得到。

    It 's available at the newspaper stand over there .

  5. 避免在报亭和加油站购买食品。

    Avoid food at newspaper kiosks and gas stations .

  6. 旁边有一家报亭,对面是一家意大利雪糕店。

    In a house with a newsagent 's shop and an Italian ice cream shop opposite .

  7. 上周五大小报亭的《人物》的年刊封面上都赫然印着这位宝刀未老的男星照片。

    The45-year-old actor is pictured on the cover of People 's annual issue , on newsstands Friday .

  8. 很多地方都有卖电话卡的,比如报亭、邮局还有商店。

    Pre-paid phone cards are sold in convenient places , such as newsstands , post offices , and stores .

  9. 这本杂志最初在报亭仅售10美分,即便是超人也很难把价格飙到如此地步。

    The mark-up on the original news stand price of10 cents is one that even a superhero might have trouble arranging .

  10. 一位养狗人宣称:要是给了爱犬钱,它便会到卖报亭买份报纸来。

    A dog owner claimed that his pet , when given money , would go to the news stall to buy a paper .

  11. 在新央视大楼的阴影下,一个报亭里的卖报者表示:“人们可能会逐渐学着喜欢上它。”

    A newspaper vendor with a stall in the shadow of the CCTV building says : " people will probably learn to love it in time . "

  12. 星期二由于印刷工人和报纸发行商奔向罢工彩车,报亭中看不到全国报纸,这很像学生对去年夏天采取的大学改革表示不满。

    National newspapers couldn 't be found at kiosks Tuesday as printers and distributors jumped on the strike bandwagon , much like students angry about university reforms adopted last summer .

  13. “真是的。”他陪我走到大街拐角的报亭。“你真的不生气吗,杰克?”他手里拿着报纸,转身问。

    " That 's so . " He walked with me up to the kiosque at the corner . " You are not sore , are you , Jake ?" He turned with the paper in his hand .