
bào tóu
  • Headers;masthead;nameplate;name-plate
报头 [bào tóu]
  • [name-plate;masthead] 报纸头版或壁报、黑板报等上面标报名、期数等的部分

报头[bào tóu]
  1. 我们在报头刊登这些奖章的图片。

    We carry illustrations of these medals on our masthead .

  2. 可以在该框架中设置公司站点报头(masthead)和导航。

    This is where you would setup your company site masthead and navigation .

  3. 互联网无线接入系统中IP报头压缩算法的研究

    The Research on IP Header Compression Algorithms in Wireless Internet Access

  4. 基于IP报头选项的网络隐蔽通道技术

    Network Covert Channel Technique Based on IP Header Option

  5. 注意请求中的Accept报头。

    Notice the Accept header in the request .

  6. 报头提供了一个扩展SOAP消息功能的机制。

    Headers provide a mechanism to extend functionality of SOAP message .

  7. Back表示当消息从Web服务发到后台服务时,报头将被注入。

    Back means that the header will be injected when the message travels from the Web service proxy to the back-end service .

  8. 在报头中,每个包也携带最终目的地IP地址。

    In its header , each packet also carries the IP address of the final destination .

  9. HTTP代理会更新某些报头,您可以检查这些报头。

    HTTP proxies update certain headers for which you can check .

  10. ESP保护整个内部的IP包和报头。

    ESP protects the entire inner IP packet and header .

  11. 每个TCP会话在TCP报头中有一目的端口号。

    Each TCP session has a destination port number in the TCP header .

  12. HTTP报头方法定义了访问此资源的意图。

    The HTTP header methods define the intent of accessing the resource .

  13. 在此项目中,本人主要负责模式S应答信号四报头脉冲检测的FPGA硬件实现。

    In this project , the author is responsible for the hardware implementation of FPGA .

  14. 这也是可以实现的,这要多亏在HTTP请求中包含有Accept报头。

    This is possible , thanks to the Accept header included in the HTTP request .

  15. 在客户机发送请求之前,将服务ID封装进SOAP报头的元素中。

    Encapsulate service id into element of SOAP header before the client sends request .

  16. 名字不在列表上的SOAP报头将被忽略。

    SOAP headers whose qualified names are not on the list will be ignored .

  17. IP报头,由IP寻址(来源和目标),协议标识和IP标记。

    IP header , consisting of the IP addressing ( source and destination ), protocol identity and IP flags .

  18. Expires报头用于指定格林尼治标准时间(GreenwichMeanTime,GMT)有效期。

    The Expires header specifies a Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) expiry .

  19. 这个添加的报头元素包含您的目标会话bean的服务ID。

    The added SOAP header element includes the service ID of your target session bean .

  20. 这个新的可读报头只是属于终点站上安全装置的IP地址。

    This new , readable header is simply the IP address of the security device belonging to the destination site .

  21. IPv6采用24字节固定长度的报头。

    IPv6 uses a header with a fixed size of 24 bytes .

  22. 基于IPv6报头的隐蔽通道分析与防范

    Analysis and Preservation of Covert Channel Based on IPv6 Header

  23. JSF框架分析HTTP请求报头。

    The JSF framework parses the HTTP request header .

  24. 您只需在超文本传输协议(HypertextTransferProtocol,HTTP)的报头中更改文件的媒体类型标记即可。

    You just change the media type that tags it in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) header .

  25. TCP报头,它包含端口上的信息、隐含的协议、标记和顺序编号。

    TCP header , which includes information on the port , implied protocol , flags and sequencing numbers .

  26. 如果您选择了TransportDefault,则将从传输级(如HTTP报头)检索用户名和口令。

    If you select the Transport Default , user name and password are retrieved from transport level such as HTTP header .

  27. 为扩展和丰富协议隐写的载体,研究使用IP报头选项进行信息隐藏的可能性。

    In order to extend and diversify the carrier of protocol steganography , the possibility of concealing messages in IP option is studied .

  28. 本论文运用网络仿真技术对IPv6报头处理性能进行了研究。

    In the thesis , the IPv6 packet process performance via network simulation is discussed .

  29. 在本例中,要严格遵守规范,要求优先考虑HTTP报头的值。

    In this case , strict specification conformance requires that the value from the HTTP header take precedence .

  30. 也就是说,身份将从消息体中提取,而不是从HTTP报头中提取。

    That is , the identity is extracted from the message body instead of from the HTTP header .