
  • customs declaration;declaration form;customs declaration form;bill of entry
  1. 我的报关单包括我经由这艘远洋轮托运的全部货物的清单。

    My bill of entry contains a full list of all goods I have sent by this ocean-going freighter .

  2. 存档。(9)跟踪收集进口货物的正本报关单,交给财务办理付款工作。

    Track the bill of entry collecting the import cargoes original , give financial affairs to handle the job paying a sum of money of .

  3. 在报关单上,寄货人将货物列为农用机械。

    On the customs declaration , the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery

  4. 1.billofentry报关单(进出口货物清单、报海关查验)他们正在为海关准备报关单。

    They are preparing a bill of entry for customs .

  5. 在检入站的信息输入中,报关单或装箱单是需要输入的主要信息,本软件采用扫描仪对它们进行录入,并按照Twain规范编写了扫描仪的控制程序。

    Of all the information of check in station inputs , the customs declaration or the encasement declaration is the main informations to be input . In this software , they are input by scanner and the control module of scanner is programmed according to Twain criterion .

  6. 首先,你得填完这张报关单。

    First , you have to fill out this customs form .

  7. 我把报关单和返税单弄混了。

    I muddled up the customs declarations with the tax returns .

  8. 海关转运货物报关单海洋运输货物险(水险)

    Goods declaration for customs transit TIF Marine risk ( Insurance )

  9. 不,只有行李报关单上的这些物品可以。

    No , only the articles listed on the Declaration .

  10. 官员∶我可以看看你的报关单吗?

    Officer : May I have your declaration form ? 1 Thank you .

  11. 我们填写了所有报关单。

    We filled in all the customs forms .

  12. 您可以填写一下报关单吗?

    Would you please fill out your declarations ?

  13. 你没在报关单上签名!

    You didn 't sign the customs form !

  14. 请出示你的护照和报关单。

    Please show your passport and declaration card .

  15. 由二零零零年四月开始,贸易报关单亦须透过电子方式提交。

    Likewise , electronic submission for lodging trade declarations will be compulsory from April 2000 .

  16. 你们可以代我们准备提货单和进口报关单。

    You can prepare the Bills of Lading and Customs Entry Forms on our behalf .

  17. 有商业和项目细节的报关单

    Customs declaration with commercial and item detail

  18. 国内消费商品进口报关单为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。

    Internal consumption entry slip Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor .

  19. 别着急。首先,你得填完这张报关单。

    Now hold your horses . First , you have to fill out this customs form .

  20. 一份结转进口报关单对应一份结转出口备案清单。

    One carry over import customs declaration shall correspond to one archival export carry over checklist .

  21. 海关转运货物报关单

    Goods declaration for customs transit TIF

  22. 出口货物报关单。

    Exports of goods declarations .

  23. 原来很多企业利用人工填写报关单这个弊端来虚报报关单进而逃税漏税。

    Originally many enterprises using the abuse of artificial write customs declaration form and then tax dodging .

  24. 无项目细节的报关单

    Customs declaration without item detail

  25. 张女士,您能到机场来接报关单上出口日期我真是太客气了。

    It 's very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport , Mrs Zhang .

  26. 请把您的护照、入境登记表和报关单给我好吗?

    Can I have your passport , your immigration form , and your customs declaration form , please ?

  27. 嘿,先生,你没法寄这个!你没在报关单上签名。

    Hey , Mister , you can 't send this ! You didn 't sign the customs form !

  28. 海关即刻放行报关单

    Customs immediate release declaration

  29. 报关单填报项目要准确、齐全、字迹清楚,不能用铅笔;

    To complete the project declaration is accurate , complete , clear writing , can not use a pencil ;

  30. 上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。

    Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product ( s ) in the last transaction .