
  • 网络chronology;dating method
  1. 简要介绍了核纪年法确定银河系年龄的原理,回顾了恒星中Th和U的观测研究,其中着重介绍了极贫金属星的研究。

    We first briefly introduce the principle of this approach , and then review the history of Th and U abundance study in stars , with emphasis on the extremely metal-poor halo stars .

  2. 作为与核纪年法的比较,简单介绍了确定银河系年龄的其他方法。

    As comparison , other methods of dating the Galaxy are briefly introduced .

  3. 这与农历纪年法相似。

    This method is similar to the Lunar Calendar .

  4. 2014年1月31日是中华纪年法——中元4712年的开始。

    January 31 , 2014 - The Chinese year 4712 is scheduled to begin .

  5. 也就在那一年,掌管罗马的领导人朱利尤斯•恺撒发明了一种新的纪年法&阳历。

    That is when the leader of the Romans-Julius Caesar-took charge and invented a new solar calendar .

  6. 此外,还有大量的宗教词汇,文学典故,神话和传说,古代官职和纪年法,以及科举考试术语。

    In addition , it covers religious terms , literary allusions , myths and legends , ancient officials and chronological terms , imperial examination terms .

  7. 按照中国农历的纪年法,每个月都有两个节气,一年共有24个节气。

    According to the way of numbering the years in Chinese lunar calendar , there are two seasonal division points in each month , making 24 in a year .

  8. 中国传统的天干地支纪年法由十干和十二支依次相配,组成六十个基本单位,两者按固定的顺序互相配合而成。

    The Chinese sexagenary cycle , also known as Stems-and-Branches , is a cyclic numeral system of60 combinations of the two basic cycles , the ten Heavenly Stemsand the twelve Earthly Branches .

  9. 这一纪年方法正是全世界至今仍在使用的公元纪年法:耶稣出生之前称为公元前(B.C。),耶稣出生之后称为公元后(A.D。

    This way of counting the years is just the AD chronology which is still used around the world up to date : before the birth of Jesus is known as BC and after the birth of Jesus is called AD.