
  1. 而且应当注意非公务员的行政公务人员内部纪律责任和法律责任不应混淆,法律上应当明确内部纪律责任不得比法律责任严厉。

    We must pay attention to the organization discipline should not mixture with law responsibility . The author suggests that interior discipline should be not more strictly than law responsibility .

  2. 刘:我从军队生活中学到了很多,团队精神、纪律和责任感。

    Liu : In the army , learned discipline teams spirit and sense of responsibilities .

  3. 明星嘉宾提高了身体素质,并且对纪律和责任有了更深刻的认识。

    Guest celebrities gradually improve their physiques and acquire a deeper understanding of discipline and responsibility .

  4. 公务员的法律责任包括纪律性责任、执法性责任和刑事法律责任。

    Civil servants ? law responsibility can be divided into three kinds : discipline responsibility , law enforcement responsibility and criminal responsibility .

  5. 她早年的家庭生活如同田园诗般恬静,虽然也受到严格的军事纪律和责任观念的束缚。在学校,她梦想成为一名科学家来帮助改善世界。

    Her early family years seem idyllic , albeit shaped by an overwhelming sense of military discipline and duty ; at school , she dreamed of becoming a scientist and helping to improve the world .

  6. 她是一个遵守纪律,把责任看得比娱乐更重要的人。

    She is a disciplined creature who will put duty before pleasure .

  7. 把文件都放在抽屉里,保持办公桌的干净整洁,这样老板会认为你是一个守纪律、有责任心的人。

    Put your documents in the drawers and keep your desk neat and clean . Your boss will believe you are orderly and responsible .

  8. 我们无意暗示,政治系统应为导致我们当前困境的松散纪律负全部责任。

    We do not mean to imply that the political system alone is responsible for the lax discipline that has led to our current predicament .

  9. 他说,我们需要做的其中一点就是,让那些要求帮助的华尔街人士表现出一些克制,一些纪律,一些责任感。

    ' Part of what we 're going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint and show some discipline and show some sense of responsibility , 'he said .

  10. 他把这一场面描述为人民的纪律性和社会责任感的写照。

    He depicted this scene as an illustration of the basic discipline and social responsibility of the people .

  11. 除了“纪律、自律、责任”这些事,艾伦脑中还有一件更重要的事,那就是剑桥:

    But apart from the important matters of ' Discipline , self-control , the sense of duty and responsibility ' , there was Cambridge to think about :