
  1. 进一步完善纪检监察机关的双重领导体制,强化专门职能机构的监督。

    The double leading system should be improved through enhancing the special supervision .

  2. 各级纪检监察机关要加强对招商引资有关奖励的监督。

    The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of all levels shall intensify the supervision on the rewards to the investment attractors .

  3. 县级和乡镇纪检监察机关处于纪检监察系统的基础地位,在纪检监察组织体系中起着承上启下的重要作用,是沟通上下、协调左右的关键环节。

    County and township discipline inspection organs at the foundation of the discipline inspection and supervision system , which plays an important role in connecting link and key to communication .

  4. 纪检监察机关自从恢复组建以来,已形成了一支三十多万人的专职纪检监察干部队伍,这支队伍在党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争中发挥着重要的作用。

    Since the reorganization of disciplinary inspection department , the team has been expanded to more than 300,000 staffs which plays an important role in the clean government building and anti-corruption struggle .

  5. 纪检监察机关合署办公后,如何有效发挥行政监察在反腐倡廉工作中的作用,是反腐倡廉工作面临的新课题。

    After the joint organs of discipline inspection and supervision , it is a new task how to give effective play to the administration supervision in the struggling against corruption and encouraging honesty .

  6. 在被纪检监察机关两规期间,主动交代未被掌握的犯罪事实的,应当认定为自首。

    In the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of " two plan " period , the active account is not master of the facts of the crime , it shall be deemed to be surrendered .

  7. 因此有必要从我国实际国情出发,分析对我国纪检监察机关监督工作的现状与问题,并提出科学有效的政策建议。

    Therefore , it is necessary to analysis the situation of our country the status quo and the problem of the disciplinary inspection institution . Finally , we can propose scientific and effective suggestions to solve the problem .

  8. 因此如何提高查办大案要案的质量和效率以取得政治、经济及社会的综合效益,是纪检监察机关及其办案人员最为关心的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve the quality and the efficiency of outsize cases and important cases so that to achieve compositive benefits of politics , economy and society is the crucial problem concerned by Ministry of Discipline Supervision and its case-handling personnel .

  9. 社会主义市场经济体制建立时期反腐倡廉的主要措施:治理乱收费、狠刹行业不正之风;党政纪检监察机关合署办公和国家反贪机构成立;开展三讲教育活动。

    Anti-corruption measures in the period of the socialist market economic system : management fees , restraint of unhealthy tendencies in some industries ; Party discipline inspection and supervision organs of the reconsideration office ; the establishment of national anti-corruption agency and carry out the " following " education activities .

  10. 与此同时,大力加强教育系统纪检监察队伍建设,增强纪检监察部门与司法机关、地方纪检监察机关的合作力度,保证教育系统职务犯罪预防体系的顺利实施。

    Meanwhile , in order to successfully implementing a comprehensive crime-prevention system , we should vigorously strengthen the construction of discipline inspection and supervision in the education system and enhance the cooperation between discipline inspection and supervision departments and judiciary and local discipline inspection and supervision organs .