
  • 网络Frankland;Edward Frankland;E.Frankland
  1. 出了事唯你是问弗兰克兰博士

    On your head be it , Dr Frankland .

  2. 没事弗兰克兰博士我带两位先生参观一下

    It 's all right , Dr Frankland , I 'm just showing these gentlemen around .

  3. 但是,弗兰克兰下边的话语向我表明我不必为此担忧了。

    But Mr Franklands next words showed me that I did not need to worry .

  4. 我告诉他有关弗兰克兰的事情,还有我是如何看到带着食品的男孩的。

    I told him about Frankland , and how I had seen the boy with the food .

  5. 我还没问弗兰克兰医生你在这儿到底是做什么的

    I never did ask , Dr Frankland , what exactly is it that you do here ?

  6. 我所走的这条小路经过弗兰克兰先生的家,我还看到他正站在门口。

    The path I took ran past Mr Frankland 's house , and I saw him standing at his gate .

  7. 我所走的这条小路弗兰克兰先生的家,我还看到他正站在门口。他叫我一声,并邀请我进屋和他喝一杯。

    The path I took ran past Mr Frankland 's house , and I saw him standing at his gate He called to me , and invited me to go in and have a drink with him .