
pēn yàn
  • Jet flame;bright eruption;puff
喷焰[pēn yàn]
  1. 库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷焰把草烧焦

    Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass .

  2. 耀斑和喷焰对应的硬X射线辐射亦不同。

    The flare and the spray are also different in corresponding hard X-ray emission .

  3. 喷焰对应有半波II型和IV型,10厘米爆发远大于3厘米;

    For the spray there is a corresponding type II and type IV meter wave burst and the burst in 10 cm wave band in stronger than that in 3.2 cm wave band .

  4. 飞行环境对火箭喷焰微波衰减特性的影响

    Effects of Flight Condition on Microwave Attenuation Characteristics of Rocket Plume

  5. 调整复合推进剂配方改善喷焰微波衰减特性

    Tailoring Formula to Improve Microwave Attenuation Characteristics of Composite Propellant Plume

  6. 红外热像仪在喷焰羽流微波衰减测试中的应用

    Infrared Photography Application in Measuring Microwave Attenuation Crossing the Plasmas Plume

  7. 低空多喷管发动机喷焰红外特性研究

    Study on infrared properties of low altitude multi-nozzle engine exhaust plume

  8. 本文给出了火箭喷焰高频雷达截面的观测结果。观测数据分析表明,可以用等效锥体模型来计算火箭喷焰的高频雷达截面。

    Observed data of HF radar section of rocket exhaust are given .

  9. 高速飞行体尾喷焰辐射特性研究进展

    The research development of the radiation characteristic for plume of a vehicle

  10. 固体火箭发动机尾喷焰红外特性数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of infrared radiation proper-ties of solid rocket engine exhaust plume

  11. 固体火箭喷焰红外信号随飞行参数的变化

    Changement of solid rocket plume infrared signal with fly parameters

  12. 二维火箭喷焰流场的化学组份和电磁特性计算

    Two-dimensional calculation of chemical species and electrical properties in rocket exhaust plume flowfields

  13. 数值模拟喷焰2.7微米红外辐射特性

    Numerical Simulation for Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Exhaust Plume at 2.7 μ m

  14. 火箭尾喷焰流场的研究

    The Study of the Fluid Field About Rocket Wake

  15. 快速喷焰对复合药型底排剂点火机理的研究

    The Ignition Mechanism of Composite Base - bleeding Agent by Spurting Flame Ignitor

  16. 液体火箭喷焰红外特性的数值仿真

    Numerical simulation of infrared characteristics of liquid rocket plume

  17. 固体推进剂碱金属杂质及喷焰后燃效应的参数辨识研究

    Parameters identification of alkali metal impurities of solid propellant and properties of exhaust afterburning

  18. 火箭喷焰对微波信号衰减的研究

    Study of Microwave Attenuation in the Rocket Exhaust

  19. 火箭喷焰高频雷达截面分析

    Analysis of HF Radar Section of Rocket Exhaust

  20. 介绍了几种添加剂抑制火箭发动机喷焰二次燃烧的实验研究。

    Study of suppression after-burning with some additive on rocket motor exhaust is introduced .

  21. 在火箭飞行的不同高度,由于等离子体压强的不同,微波通过火箭喷焰所受到的衰减也有很大不同。

    Due to pressure , the decay of microwave through plume is different with increasing altitude .

  22. 最后在整个流场上利用电子导电模型计算喷焰的电磁特性参数。

    Finally , the electromagnetic parameters of the whole plume were calculated with the electron conductive model .

  23. 贴体坐标系下离散坐标法计算尾喷焰辐射特性

    Numerical modeling of infrared radiation properties of exhaust plume by the Discrete Ordinates Method in body-fitted coordinates

  24. 本文以典型固体推进剂飞行器的尾喷焰为研究对象,论述了尾焰羽烟流场辐射特性的计算方法。

    In this paper , the radiation properties of a typical aircraft plume flow field are calculated .

  25. 本文针对发动机尾喷焰的目标红外特性开展谱分析研究。

    In this paper , the spectral analysis has been performed on the infrared radiation characteristics of engine exhaust plume .

  26. 对火箭喷焰和地球极区中层大气尘埃等离子体的特征参量做了定量估计和分析。

    The characteristic parameters for dusty plasmas of rocket exhaust plume and polar mesosphere are estimated and analyzed based on their practical data .

  27. 流体带走(如悬浮微粒等)红外热像仪在喷焰羽流微波衰减测试中的应用

    To carry ( suspended particles , for example ) along in a current . Infrared Photography Application in Measuring Microwave Attenuation Crossing the Plasmas Plume

  28. 提出用参数辨识确定推进剂中钾、钠杂质含量以及后燃对喷焰微波衰减影响程度的方法。

    An identification technique was presented for estimating the impurity level in propellant and the properties of exhaust afterburning , which can not be measured simply by experiment .

  29. 本文采用一种近场和远场分区耦合、时间相关法和空间推进法相结合的方法计算分析了飞行环境对火箭喷焰微波衰减特性的影响。

    Effects of flight condition on the microwave attenuation characteristics of rocket plume are investigated with a near-far field divided-coupled approach , which integrates time-dependent method with spatial-marching method .

  30. 典型的含粒子介质包括:含炭黑及飞灰的火焰,催化反应器内反应物,射流及固体火箭尾喷焰等。

    Typical particle medium include : the flame of contain carbon black and fly ash , reactant in catalytic reactor , jet stream and the plume of a solid propellant rocket .