
zhēn zhuànɡ wù
  • needle
  1. 最新观测表明,针状物可分为TypeⅠ和TypeⅡ两类。

    Recent observations indicate that spicules can be divided into two types , type ⅰ and type ⅱ .

  2. TypeⅡ针状物可以迅速加热到过渡区温度甚至日冕温度。

    Type ⅱ spicule can be heated to the transition region temperature or corona temperature in a very short time .

  3. TypeⅠ针状物常以25km/s的速度向上运动,到达最大高度后,沿原路径或另一个不同的路径落回光球表面。

    Type ⅰ spicule usually goes up with a velocity of25km / s and falls down to the photosphere in a same or another different path after arriving at the maximum height .

  4. n.针;针状物妈妈用针和线把扣子缝在我的大衣上。

    needle Mother sewed the button on my coat with needle and thread .

  5. 用来固定轮子的插在车轴上的一种针状物。

    A pin inserted through an axletree to hold a wheel on .

  6. 新类型针状物或可解释日冕超高温现象。

    A new class of Spicules might explain the mysteries of coronal heating .

  7. 野生榴莲表皮长满了绿色针状物,而且发出一股令人难忘的气味,鸟类经常以它为食。

    Wild durian has a spiny green exterior , emits an infamous rotting stench , and is mainly eaten by birds .

  8. 本周三,据西安当地媒体报道,一名男子因用针状物攻击女大学生被捕。

    A man has been arrested for allegedly attacking a college girl with a needle-like object in the northwest city of Xi'an , local media reported Wednesday .

  9. 建筑师小组称,曼哈顿摩天大楼楼顶上的针状物是永久性的塔尖,并非天线,因此在计算高度是可以将其包含在内。

    A panel of architects says a needle atop the Manhattan skyscraper is a permanent spire , not an antenna , and can be included in its height .

  10. 案件中,26岁的五台村男子王兴因涉嫌用针状物袭击女大学生在周四被捕并移交据检察机关。

    Among those cases , Wang Xing , a26-year-old man from Wutai village , was arrested and handed over to prosecutors Tuesday for stabbing a female college student with a stick .

  11. 太阳针状物是日面边缘上快速演化的喷流状结构,它可以从色球底部一直延伸到日冕,是色球层最普遍的观测现象之一。

    Solar spicules are rapidly evolving jets seen on the solar limb , extending from the bottom of the chromosphere to the corona . Spicule is the most common feature observed in the chromosphere .