
  • 网络Coniferous forest;needle leaf forest land
  1. 山羊在针叶林地很难找到食物。

    In coniferous woodlands goats will find very little sustenance .

  2. 北方针叶林地处北半球中高纬度地区,增温剧烈,是受气候变化影响最显著的地区之一。

    Boreal forest lies in middle-high latitude of the northern hemisphere , where temperature increases strongly .

  3. 不同植被条件土壤质量变异较大,耕地、针叶林地对土壤质量状况改善效果较差,牧草、阔叶树效果较好。

    The soil quality improvement effect of land and coniferous tree is poorer , the effect of grass and deciduous tree is better .

  4. 五种林分土壤酶活性均随土层深度增加而降低,且综合来看,混交林地土壤酶活性大于纯林林地,阔叶林林地大于针叶林林地。

    The five forest soil all reduce with soil depth . Synthetically , soil urease activity in mixed forests is more than that in pure forests , and broad-leaved forests more than coniferous forests .

  5. 而次生林,尤其是次生针叶纯林林地的土壤持水性能差。

    Water retention of soil from secondary forest , especially that of the pure fir forest was the worst .