
  • 网络Forest plant community
  1. 内蒙古大青山森林植物群落与碳储量的调查研究

    Investigation on Forest Plant Community and Carbon Storage in Daqing Mountains , Inner Mongolia

  2. 森林植物群落和森林昆虫群落间存在着显著的相关关系。即森林植物类群种的组成复杂程度极大影响昆虫种组成的多样化。

    There was significant correlation between forest plant community and forest insect community , namely constituting complexity of forest plant community had large influence on diversification of insect species composition .

  3. 通过BOREAS实验,我们研究了北部森林植物群落对气候变化所起的作用。

    The role of Boreal forest biome in climate change has been investigated through the BOREAS experiment .

  4. DCCA二维排序的结果与TWINSPAN分类结果较为一致,TWINSPAN分类所得到的14个群系在DCCA二维排序图上均有其相应的分布范围,但不同的森林植物群落间没有显著的分界界线。

    The gathered groups of plant plots in the space of DCCA ordination are consistent with the result of TWINSPAN , all the 14 formations resulted from TWINSPAN have their corresponding distribution in the two-dimensional sorted map DCCA , but there are no obvious boundaries between different plant communities .

  5. 黔中退化喀斯特森林植物群落的数量分类

    Number classification of degraded Karst forests in the central Guizhou

  6. 雪峰山西南支脉丘陵山地森林植物群落类型及结构特征研究

    Flora types and structure characters of the southwestern ridge of Snow-Peak Mountain

  7. 森林植物群落多样性与虫害自然控制力的研究进展

    Discussion on Relationship between Forest Biodiversity and Forest Pest Natural Control Capacity

  8. 安徽休宁县森林植物群落物种多样性分析

    Analysis on the Forest Community Species Diversity in Xiuning County of Anhui Province

  9. 森林植物群落对昆虫群落的影响

    Effects of Forest Plant Communities on Forest Insect Communities

  10. 松、杉、柏森林植物群落外貌、结构特征的研究

    Study on Community Physiognomy and Structure Property of Pine , Chinese fir and Cypress

  11. 人为活动对泰山森林植物群落物种多样性的影响研究

    The Effects of Human Activities on Plant Species Diversity of Plantations in Mt. Taishan

  12. 大熊猫野化培训圈森林植物群落多样性研究

    A Study of the Diversity of the Plant Community in Giant Pandas ' Field Training Area

  13. 探讨了大青沟森林植物群落主要木本植物的生态位宽度、生态位重叠等生态位测度问题。

    Important ecological issues such as niche breadth , niche overlap of plant community in Daqinggou were studied .

  14. 俄国森林植物群落学部分地独立于芬兰学派发展,但受其影响。

    Russian forest phytocoenology developed in partial independence of the Finnish shool , but was influenced by it .

  15. 水文对森林植物群落的类型、结构、生活型谱、排序和动态做了初步研究。

    The types , structure , biological spectrum , ordination and dynamic of forest communities were studied in the paper .

  16. 讨论了森林植物群落多样性与森林虫害自然控制力间的关系,阐明了森林虫害自然控制力有随森林植物群落多样性的升高而增强的趋势。

    The relationship between forest plant diversity and forest pest natural control capacity is discussed , and results demonstrate that forest pest natural control capacity increases with forest plant diversity .

  17. 森林植物群落为常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针叶林、针阔混交林、阔叶林、毛竹等5大类共18种类型。

    The forest communities had 5 types 18 kinds , which were mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest , coniferous forest , mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest , broad-leaved forest and bamboo et al .

  18. 群落生物量是评价森林植物群落生产力高低和潜在生产大小的重要指标,也是研究森林生态系统生物群落、生产结构及功能过程的定量依据。

    The community biomass is an important index on evaluating productivity and productivity potential of the forest community and also is quantitative scale in researching bio-community productive structure and function of ecology system .

  19. 提出了以Shannen-Wiener多样性指数为基础的植物群落垂直结构多样性指数和盖度加权叶层多样性指数、作为森林植物群落垂直结构复杂性的测度。

    The Vertical Structure Diversity Index and Cover Weighted Foliage Height Diversity Index based on the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index were used to measure the complicated degree of the vertical structure of the plant community .

  20. 首先阐述城市森林植物群落配置中存在的问题:明确城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式构建的指导思想和原则,并以成都市为例。

    The existing problems in the configuration of near-natural plant communities in urban forest were described . The guiding ideology and principle of the configuration of near-natural plant community in urban forest was also clarified .

  21. 重庆主城区山地公园内植物群落和主城区内自然森林植物群落在建群植物种类、植物群落乔木层优势种类数量、植物群落类型等具有相似性。

    The plant communities of mountain parks and plant communities of natural forest in Chongqing main city zone had some similarities in dominant plants species , the number of dominant species in arbor tree layer and community types .

  22. 亦是滇南热带季节雨林群落的最北缘和海拔极限的类型。松、杉、柏森林植物群落外貌、结构特征的研究

    Forest profile and Physiognomy , and it is considered as a type of tropical seasonal rain forest form northern margin of tropical SE Asia . Study on Community Physiognomy and Structure Property of Pine , Chinese fir and Cypress

  23. 在既考虑潜在森林植物群落和树种为发展方向,又考虑立地条件和森林的演替阶段的前提下,因地制宜地在南岳衡山实验地配置了108个树种75个森林群落类型。

    In consideration of the development of potential tree species and forest vegetation population together with forest site and succession stage , we have arranged 108 tree species for 75 forest community types on the particular condition of the experiment and demonstration plot in Nanyue Mountain .

  24. 结果表明:森林植物群落分2个植被型,4个群系,19个群丛组;群落垂直结构分乔术、灌木、草本3层,植物组成分属于34科、76属108种;

    The study shows that the forest communities can be divided into 2 vegetation types , 4 formations and 19 association groups , the vertical structure of communities was divided into three layers-arbor , bush and grass , and there are 108 species of 76 genus in 34 families .

  25. 石门国家森林公园植物群落特征及物种多样性研究

    Characteristic of Vegetation Community and Species Diversity in Shimen National Forest Park

  26. 北方城市森林绿地植物群落的树种选择与配置

    The choice and arrangemen of tree spices in plant community of urban green area . Journal of University

  27. 陕北黄土高原森林地带草本植物群落类型及其动态特征

    Herbosa type and characteristics of succession on woodland of Loess Plateau in North Shanxi Province

  28. 成都市城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式研究

    Study on the Near-natural Configuration Models of Plant Community in Chengdu City

  29. 对城市森林的近自然植物群落配置的物种选择进行系统研究。

    A study on the seed selection in the configuration of near-natural plant communities was carried out .

  30. 不同的城市森林类型,由于植物群落结构和类型不同,对生态保健效益产生的影响也不同。

    Different urban forest type , plant community structure and type had different impact on the ecological health benefits .