
  • 网络forest burning;forest combustion
  1. 从森林燃烧特点出发,论述了近年研究森林可燃物燃烧性的几个问题。

    In the recent years , characteristics of forest combustion make extraordinary progress in some questions .

  2. 以影响森林燃烧的各因子火险性的大小作为依据,综合控制林火发生的内因,可以从根本上剔除火灾隐患。

    Depending on the fire insurance size of every factor effected forest combustion , and con-trolling the internal factors of forest fire comprehensively , the hidden dangers can be picked out radical-ly .

  3. 森林燃烧圈中国的生物防火

    FOREST COMBUSTION CIRCLES The Biological Fire Prevention Research in China

  4. 关于森林燃烧火行为特征参数的计算与表述

    Calculation and Description of Forest Fire Behavior Characters

  5. 森林燃烧环网的研究

    Studying on network of forest burning links

  6. 自然界有多种燃烧现象,其中森林燃烧是最复杂的一种。

    There are many kinds of burning in nature , but forest burning is the most complicated one .

  7. 在实践中,可按森林燃烧环来绘制火险图,作为森林防火规划设计的理论依据;

    In fire management practice , the theory can provide scientific basis for making fire danger-rating map and fire program and design .

  8. 通过对各小班的燃烧性综合指标的计算、排序,划分了5个森林燃烧性等级。

    In the light of that , the5 ratings of combustibility were divided in the paper , which was the basis for the further fire districts'division in Labagoumen area .

  9. 应用森林燃烧环理论,找出火险因子,制定出火险区划标准,将祁连山22个林场,区划为三个区,代表不同的火险级别。

    Based on the theory of forest burning circle , fire danger factors were found and the principle of fire danger zoning was made , the 22 forest farms were zoned into 3 regions expressing different fire danger ratings .

  10. 但在印尼,极度干燥的森林正在燃烧。

    But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are in flames .

  11. 哈巴河森林类型燃烧性及空间分布格局研究

    The Study on Forest Types Combustibility and Spatial Distribution Pattern in Habahe

  12. 从2019年9月开始,森林大火燃烧了6个月的时间,造成超过30人死亡,约10亿只动物葬身火海。

    The fires that burned for six months starting September 2019 killed over 30 people and an estimated 1 billion animals .

  13. 老虎!老虎!黑夜的森林中燃烧着的煌煌的火光,是怎样的神手或天眼造出了你这样的威武堂堂?

    Tyger ! Tyger ! burning bright In the forests of the night , What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry ?

  14. 火灾往往会直接毁坏森林,燃烧过程中带来的高温和辐射也会打破生态平衡,造成巨大的经济财产损失。

    Fire can destroy forest , burning with the process of high temperature and radiation will break the ecological balance , cause huge economic loss of property .

  15. 大兴安岭森林可燃物燃烧气体释放的研究

    Research to Gas Emission Produced from Daxing'an Ling Forest Fuel Combustion

  16. 森林可燃物燃烧性研究的概述

    Study on flame combustion of Forest Fuels

  17. 例如,许多农民仍然依靠森林生物质或者燃烧煤炭用于做饭和取暖,这导致了健康问题。

    For example , many farmers still rely on forest biomass or coal-burning for cooking and heating , causing health problems .

  18. 研究结果将为进一步开展森林可燃物燃烧气体排放研究提供一定的理论依据和基础数据。

    The results of the research will provide basal data and academic base for researching of gas emission from forest fuels burning .

  19. 已经杀至少46个人的森林火灾继续燃烧失去控制,在火焰的墙壁里面造成一些村庄困住。

    Forest fires that have killed at least 46 people continued to burn out of control , leaving some villages trapped within walls of flames .

  20. 但在地球上,做为“地球村”的村民,我们却发现在大山深处,有森林大火在燃烧、有人在肆意砍伐参天古树;

    But on the earth , as the " global village " in the village , we found deep in the mountains , the forest fires burning , wanton felling of towering old trees in people ;

  21. 以及用热分析法(TG、DTG)测得燃烧分布曲线,用于评价森林可燃物相对燃烧性的研究。

    The burning profiles was used for evaluation of comparable flamability of forest fuels with thermal analysis ( TG . DTG ) .

  22. 干燥的森林像火炬一样燃烧起来。

    The dry forest went up like a torch .

  23. 森林可燃物的燃烧性与化学组成

    Flammability and chemical component of Green Forest Fuels

  24. 森林可燃物及其燃烧特性研究

    Study on Forest Fuel and its Combustibility

  25. 天气干燥了这么久,森林随时都会燃烧起来。

    It 's been dry for so long that the forest could burst into flame at any moment .

  26. 对于先人,火是个神圣的礼物不定期的以闪电,森林大火或是燃烧熔岩的形式传递。

    To early man , fire was a divine gift randomly delivered in the form of lightning , forest fire or burning lava .

  27. 滇中10种木本植物鲜叶枝易燃性比较森林可燃物的燃烧性与化学组成

    Comparative Study on Flammability of Fresh Leaves and Living Branches of 10 Tree Species in Central Yunnan Province FLAMMABILITY AND CHEMICAL COMPONENT OF GREEN FOREST FUELS

  28. 多环芳烃是一类多环有机化合物,它主要源于化石燃料的不完全燃烧、火山爆发、森林植被和灌木丛燃烧、陆生和水生植物、微生物的生物合成。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) are a series of multi-ringed organic compounds . They are produced mainly from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels , volcanoes , forest vegetation and bush burning , terrestrial , aquatic plants and microorganism biosynthesis .

  29. 森林可燃物是森林燃烧的物质基础,也是林火行为的主体,是林火管理的基本依据。

    Forest fuel is a material base of forest combustion , a main body of forest fire behavior and a basic reference of forest fire management .

  30. 森林火灾是指失去控制的森林燃烧。

    The forest fire is that is burnt in the forest out of hand .