
  • 网络forest fire danger class;forest fire risk rank
  1. 永安市森林火险等级区划研究

    Study on the Forest Fire Danger Class Division of Yong ' an City

  2. 基于GIS森林火险等级预报系统数据处理技术

    Data Processing Technique for GIS-based Forecasting System of Forest Fire Weather Ranks

  3. 利用支持向量基(SVM))方法进行甘肃森林火险等级预报准确率较高,将其运用于甘肃省森林火险预测预警系统是切实可行的。

    Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) method can improve forest fire forecasting accuracy . It is feasible to introduce SVM into fire danger forecasting model .

  4. 森林火险等级评价是当前所有林火管理系统的基础。

    Forest fire danger rating schemes underlie all contemporary fire management systems .

  5. 滇中地区森林火险等级预报方法的研究

    Forecast method of forest fire danger grade in the central area of Yunnan

  6. 广东省森林火险等级的评价模式

    An evaluation model for forest-fire risk in Guangdong Province

  7. 福建省森林火险等级主要气象影响因子的分布规律

    Distribution Pattern of Key Impact Meteorological Factors for Forest Fire Risk Rating in Fujian

  8. 森林火险等级是森林火灾发生的可能性和蔓延容易程度的一种度量。

    Forest fire danger grade is a measurement to possibility and extend degree of forest fire happen .

  9. 森林火险等级区划是森林防火宏观决策和分类指导的科学依据。

    Zoning of forest fire risk grade is a scientific basis for macro-decision and regional guidance of forest fire prevention .

  10. 基于手机短信的交通信息通知系统开发森林火险等级信息手机短信发布平台研究

    Development of a Notify System for Traffic Peccancy Information Based on Mobile Telephone Message SMS Warning System of Wildfire Danger Rating

  11. 对主要森林火险等级系统的组成、结构和发展过程进行了比较,讨论了这些系统应用的局限性。

    And it compares the compositions , structure and development of the main fire Danger rating systems . The limitations of those systems are also discussed .

  12. 森林火险等级的地域分异明显,中南部高北部低。

    There was an obvious regional difference in the distribution of forest fire risk zones , being higher in the center and south , lower in north .

  13. 加拿大森林火险等级系统把可燃物分成5组共16个类型;

    As an example , the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System organizes fuel types into five major groups , with a total of 16 discrete fuel types recognized .

  14. ②最小相对湿度能较好地反映天气的干燥情况,可以作为森林火险等级预报的主要依据之一;

    The minimum relative humidity well represented the dryness of the weather and could be as one of the main indexes for the forecast of the forest fire risk degree .

  15. 这一方面是资料的原因,另一方面是多因子森林火险等级预报方法没有预报雷击火的能力。

    On one hand , it is the cause of the data , on the other hand is the multiple factor forest fire forecast method not forecast Lightening Fire level of ability .

  16. 森林火险等级预报可以采取精确的数学方法与模糊的综合评判方法,而火险因子都具有模糊性,因此采用模糊方法更切合实际。

    There are two methods to evaluate the forecast of forestry fire-danger scale : exact mathematic method and comprehensive fuzzy evaluation . All causes of fire-danger are fuzzy , so the latter is more practical .

  17. 如何采用遥感、地理信息系统技术等现代高新技术对森林火险等级进行预报和对森林火灾进行监测,成为当前国内外研究的热点。

    It 's a study hotspot in worldwide how to using Modern high-tech information technologies , such as Remote Sensing ( RS ) and Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ), to forest fire danger rating predicting and forest fire monitoring .

  18. 这一分类结果,可以满足森林火险等级预报的需要,但对于火行为预报,还需要根据林分燃烧性、林分垂直结构及可燃物分布状态进一步分类。

    The results can be used in the forest fire danger rating system , but there is a need for further classification for the fuel with the flammability , vertical structure and distribution in order to make the fire behavior prediction .

  19. 森林火险天气等级预测及火情监测应用

    Forecast of weather grade in forest fire risk and application of fire monitoring

  20. 森林火险天气等级预报与应用

    Forecast and Application of Forest Fire Weather Ranks

  21. 内蒙古森林气象火险等级数值模拟个例研究

    A case study on numerical simulation of forest weather fire risk grade in Inner Mongolia

  22. “有高森林火险气象等级”的表述有欠严密、简练,也不符合天气预报节目口语化的表述风格,文章分析了其中的原因并提出了合理可行的建议。

    The statement of'there is high forest fire danger meteorological grade'is not accurate or concise , nor up to the spoken style of the weather forecast program .

  23. 祁连山森林可燃物及火险等级预报的研究

    Study on Forest Fuel and Forest Fire Danger Rating Predication

  24. 按照中尺度模式与统计方法相结合的思路,对缺少观测资料的森林地区进行气象火险等级模拟,可以达到森林火险预警的目的。

    Based on the method of combining meso-scale model with a statistical way , simulation of the weather fire warning grade for forest area where lacks observation data were performed .

  25. 森林火灾监测和森林火险天气等级

    Forest Fire Monitor and Forest Fire Weather Scale

  26. 通过个例检验证明,特大森林火灾和雷击火都发生在高森林火险等级的背景下。

    Through the single example , catastrophic forest fire and lightning fires have occurred in high forest fire danger rating background .

  27. 主要开展了MODIS数据几何校正方法的对比研究,MODIS数据在全国森林可燃物分布与分类、植被状态的反演、植被燃烧信息的提取以及森林火险等级预报等方法的研究。

    Main work includes comparison study of geometric correction method on MODIS data , Chinese national forest fuel distribution and classification using MODIS data , Chinese national vegetation status , Chinese vegetation burning information retrieval and forest fire danger rating .