
  • 网络forest tending
  1. 森林抚育对林内野生动物影响的研究进展

    Review of Researches on Impacts of Forest Tending on Wildlife

  2. 森林抚育有利于培育后备资源,在抚育强度为8.5%~30%,抚育后林分郁闭度为0.5~0.6时能有效地促进天然更新。

    The forest tending is favourable to breeding resources and stimulating natural regeneration effectively when thinning density is 8.5 % ~ 30 % and stand crown closure is 0.5 ~ 0.6 after forest tending .

  3. 对森林抚育对生物多样性的影响进行长期定位研究。

    Long-term field study regarding biodiversity in tending should be carried out .

  4. GB/T15781-1995森林抚育规程

    Regulations for tending of forest

  5. 本文着重论述了加强森林抚育低效林改造是恢复森林生态系统的有效途径及其可行性和必要性。

    This paper states that forest tending and low yield forest rebuilding is the effective approach of resuming forest ecology system .

  6. 本文依托湖南省森林抚育补贴试点成效监测项目,通过对样地森林资源监测及抚育情况进行实地调研,初步对林区资源及抚育情况进行了分析。

    Replying on the monitoring project of Hunan Province forest tending subsidies pilot effectiveness , this paper initially analyzed the forest area resources and cultivation conditions by Field research .

  7. 二期天保工程公益林建设的重点和核心任务应当是做好森林抚育工作,实现森林资源的可持续发展。

    Natural Forest Protection Project Phase II construction of non core mission should be to focus and do the work of forest tending , to achieve the sustainable development of forest resources .

  8. 对于生态环境保护区的规划,应该以现有林地保护为主,加强森林抚育,同时引进不同生活型和生长型的物种。

    On the planning of ecological and environmental protection zone , existing forest should be protected first , then forest tending be strengthened and different species of life forms and growth forms be introduced .

  9. 科学的森林抚育,可以有效改善林分环境,促进林木生长,提高林分质量,增强森林生态功能,使森林更好地发挥经济、生态和社会效益。

    The scientific forest tending can improve stand health conditions , improve the quality of trees , enhance forest protection to better play the economic , ecological and social benefits of forests though forests cultivation .

  10. 在此基础上,运用森林抚育相关基础理论及研究成果,构建评价指标并运用数学和经济学相结合的方法对湖南省主要用材林森林抚育效益进行研究。

    Meanwhile , on the basis of forest tending relevant basic theory and research , this paper applies the method of combining mathematics and economics , and structures evaluation indexes to evaluate the effectiveness of Hunan Province main timber forest tending .

  11. 探讨这些规律对于预估林分各径阶的株数、蓄积,估算森林的抚育间伐量和择伐量具有重要意义。

    The resulting principle will provide an important guide for prediction of tree numbers and volume of various diameter grade and volume of selection cutting .

  12. 野生动物是森林的重要组成部分之一,森林抚育会引起森林结构的变化,而森林结构决定森林野生动物的种类、数量和分布。

    Forest structure can be modified by forest tending , which can affect the species richness and abundance of wildlife in forest stand .

  13. 采取近自然森林健康经营策略,调整林种和树种结构,强化森林抚育,努力提高单位面积森林蓄积和生产力。

    It should adopt close-to - nature forest management strategy to adjust the structure of forest types and species , and improve the accumulation and productivity per unit area of forest .