
  • 网络Yiliang;yiliang county
  1. 彝良县地质灾害分布特征及防治建议

    Characteristics of the geological hazard distribution and the control measures in Yiliang county , Yunnan

  2. 中国国家电视台播放的画面显示,在彝良县的大广场上,有一排排的蓝色救灾帐篷,人们以家庭为单位挤在帐篷里。

    In Yiliang county 's main square , state television showed columns of blue relief tents , where families huddled together inside .

  3. 当地政府说,发生第一次地震后,彝良县角奎镇云洛小学至少三名学生遇难。

    Local authorities said three students were killed at Yunluo Primary School in the township of Jiaokui following the first earthquake .

  4. 彝良县2000~2008年的8年间,总体上农用地和建设用地面积增加,未利用地面积减少。

    During the eight-year period from 2000 to 2008 , Yiliang County had generally experienced increase in farmland and construction land areas and decrease in unused land area .

  5. 到上周五下午,云南灾区大约10万人被疏散,救援队已经被派往彝良县山区。该地震中位置至少有2万幢建筑遭到破坏或倒塌。

    By Friday afternoon around 100,000 people had been evacuated and rescue teams had been sent to the mountainous area of Yiliang County , where the epicentre of the quake had damaged or destroyed at least 20,000 buildings .