
  • 网络surface fire;ground fires;Grass-fire
地表火 [dì biǎo huǒ]
  • (1) [ground fire]∶ 腐植质层燃烧的一种森林火灾,通常不露出表面

  • (2) [surface fire]∶ 仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木、草层的一种森林火灾

  1. 该文简要回顾了地表火蔓延模型研究的发展过程。

    The development of forest surface fire spread models is briefly reviewed in this paper .

  2. 灌木、草坡是地表火发生率最高,生产力最低的类型。

    That brush and grass land are the types in which the frequency of land surface fire is the highest , productivity is lowest .

  3. 森林地表火蔓延的计算机模拟

    A Computer Simulation on Fire Spread Over Wildland Fuels FOREST RECREATION

  4. 森林地表火蔓延模拟方法及其计算机实现

    Method of Ground Fire Boundaries Spread Modeling and Computer Simulation

  5. 基于燃料床的小坡度地表火蔓延模型研究

    Study on Model of Fire Spread Across a Fuel Bed in Small Slope

  6. 地表火的辐照度

    The irradiance of surface & fire in forests

  7. 一种确定地表火蔓延边界的新方法

    A New Method for Predicting Ground Fires Boundaries

  8. 峡谷地形中森林地表火蔓延实验研究

    Study of Forest Fire Spread in Valley Topography

  9. 地表火的辐照度森林地表火火行为预测预报系统

    The irradiance of surface & fire in forests a computer software for predicting ground fire behaviors

  10. 研究地表火蔓延过程中火线提供给地表面的辐照度,探讨风速、坡度对它的影响。

    The irradiance from fire line to ground considering the effects of wind speed and slope were discussed in this paper .

  11. 结果表明,火力楠防火林带能有效地阻隔地表火和树冠火蔓延;

    The results show that the extension of ground fire and canopy fire can be separated effectively by forest belt of fire prevention ;

  12. 该文通过对森林火蔓延模型的研究,建立了一种使用产生式原则的多模型森林地表火蔓延预测系统。

    Through the study on the model of forecasting forest fire spreading , this research built a multi-model predicting system based on the production rule .

  13. 应用自行研制的多坡段固相材料火蔓延实验台,模拟森林地表火的蔓延过程,对变坡度情况下森林地表上坡火行为规律进行了实验研究。

    In this paper , a solid phase material fire experimental bed , which has more slope segments , has been used to simulate upslope forest surface fire .

  14. 经过几十年的探索,国内外林火研究人员利用室内试验及野外火烧试验,对不同环境下森林地表火蔓延模型进行了研究,总结推导出许多地表火蔓延的经验模型及半经验模型。

    Forest fire spread models under different environments have been studied for many years and experimental and semi-empirical models for predicting surface fire spread have been set up .

  15. 本文论述了南方林区森林火灾时间分布集中、发生率高、面积小,并以地表火为主的特征;

    The forest fire in South China is special for its concentrative time-distribution , the high rate of occurence , the limited fire area and mainly with surface fire .

  16. 间歇型树冠火紧急避险方法要利用可燃物不连续分布的特点,选择有利地形卧到避险或选择火势弱的地表火冲越火线避险。

    The ways of intermittent crown fire urgent avoid danger is take the combustible character of uncontinous distribution , lie in advantaged terrain or rush to fire line in weak surface fire .

  17. 一种森林火灾,从树冠到树冠常常高速蔓延超过地面火。可对地表火、树干火、冠火和草原火实施有效扑灭,极大地提高灭火效率。

    A forest fire that advances with great speed jumping from crown to crown ahead of the ground fire . It can put out surface fires , branch fires , leaf fires and grass fires effectively .

  18. 作为森林生态系统重要组成部分的森林火灾,以从地表火到林冠火的多种形态影响着森林生态系统的树种组成、年龄结构和空间格局。

    Forest fire , as an important part of forest ecosystem , has an critical effect on species composition , age structure and spatial pattern of forest ecosystem with a variety of forms from surface fire to canopy fire .

  19. 为了研究地表火卷吸作用的范围和迎面火与主火相互作用的机理,在大空间室内实验室进行了实验研究.在该实验室实验可以避免环境风和环境温度变化的影响。

    In order to study the convection limits of surface fires and interactions between backfires and main fires , several experiments are conducted in a large space indoor laboratory : in which the effects of ambient wind speeds and changing temperatures can be avoided .

  20. 承德县人工针叶林地表枯死可燃物参数估测及潜在地表火行为评价

    Estimation to Dead Surface Combustible Parameters and Evaluation of Potential Surface Fire Behavior of Artificial Coniferous Forests in Chengde County