
  1. PVC地板目前已在国内商用领域普及,越来越多的客户接受并使用这一新型地材,市场空间巨大。

    PVC flooring has been used in domestic commercial area more and more frequently and has a huge market space .

  2. 有效防止地材老化和侵蚀,配合面蜡使用,会使地面光洁耐用。

    The floor will be durable and clean when facial wax is used .

  3. 同时奉上了一块地材上蜡前后对比的样块,客户可以直观的判断上蜡前后的效果。

    Follow the same time to build a wax around the block-like contrast , customers can directly before and after the judgment wax results .

  4. 福尔波地材在中国中国的弹性地板市场增长迅速,我们致力于赢取良好声誉,成为市场的领导者。

    The Company in China The Chinese market is a fast growing market for our resilient flooring and we have managed to earn a leading position and good reputation on the market .

  5. 路用地材资源是公路建设的物质基础,路用地材的选型是工程建设项目中的关键环节,其选型的合理与否直接关系到工程的建设质量和投资造价。

    The highway building material resources are the material foundation of highway construction . It is the key link to choose highway building materials for construction projects , and the choosing is reasonable or not directly linked to the construction quality and investment .

  6. 相关标准体系不健全,浪费水、能、地、材的法律责任不明确;

    Third , the concerned standard is imperfect and legal liability for wasting water , energy , ground and material is undefined .

  7. 作者认为:对木材干燥作多点红外辐射能有效地使材心温度迅速升高;并且,促使木材心部温度高于其表面温度。

    It was found that repeated multi-infrared radiation raised the temperature of the timber core rapidly to much higher one than that of its surface and that the heat absorption amounted to 90 % of the whole energy .

  8. 快速紫外线(QUV)老化试验和氙灯老化试验均兼顾了热、紫外线、氧和湿度的环境因素,能较准确地预测异型材的长期耐候性;

    Quick ultraviolet ( QUV ) test and xenon lamp test can estimate it more accurately because they considered more adverse factors , such as heat , UV , oxygen and moisture .

  9. 抓好节能、节水、节地、节材工作。

    We will save energy , water , land and materials .

  10. 节能节地节水节材绿色建筑打造健康和谐生活

    Economizing on Energy , Land , Water and Material Green Building Contributes to the Healthy and Harmonious Life

  11. 调整堆焊工艺参数,能够有效地控制母材稀释率、焊道尺寸和堆焊层的平整度。

    Dilution of base metals , bead size and cladding smoothness can be controlled effectively by adjusting technological parameters .

  12. 如何正确地丈量膜材预张力值一直是业界致力研究的一个方向。

    Nowadays , how to measure the pretension of the tensioned membrane structure accurately is still the research focus in the membrane structure field .

  13. 此外,还可以大大提高材料利用率,有效地节能节材,并且可以改善生产条件,减少各种污染源。

    In addition , it can consumedly increase material utilization , economize on energy and material , improve produces condition and reduce every kind of contaminative source .

  14. 由于绝大多数木材年轮的相关参数随细胞壁尺寸变化而改变,在微观观察年轮间的细胞几何尺寸变化可以定量地描述木材材性的变化。

    The geometrical dimension change of cells among annual rings by microcosmic observation can explain the change in wood properties due to the fact that most correlative parameters for wood annual rings vary with the change of cell wall sizes .

  15. 论文试图通过研究,探求居住区节约型种植设计的合理性和必要性;从节水、节能、节地、节材等方面对资源进行合理有效利用的可行性;分析节约型种植设计的实施策略和设计方法。

    This paper attempts to study the reasonableness and necessity of economical planting design in residential district . From different aspects of resources-saving exploring the feasibility of rational and effective use . And analysising the implementation strategy and design method of economical planting design in residential district .

  16. 介绍了ANSYS中建立实体模型的两种方法,并将其成功地运用于铝型材热挤压平面分流组合模实体模型的建立,为进一步进行有限元分析和优化设计提供了基础。

    Two methods for building solid models with ANSYS software were introduced . The methods were successfully applied to the building of the solid model of the hot extrusion combined die with portholes for aluminum profiles , which provided a basis for further finite_element analysis and optimized design .

  17. 在此基础上,系统地提出以航材供应链集成化管理、航材供应链信息管理、航材供应链流程重组以及航材供应链风险管理等,为主要构成的航材供应链管理体系内容。

    Of air material SC are the main management contents of air material SCM system .

  18. 实践证明,该模型有效地提高了航材管理的水平和航材储备资金的利用率。

    In practice , this model is helpful to improve management level and efficiency of fund .

  19. 并有针对性地研究了芯材及截面尺寸变化对玻璃钢船体帽型骨材强度和刚度的影响。

    Studied the effects of core material and cross-sectional size on strength and stiffness of fiberglass hull cap-type girder .

  20. 本文以影响中国几千年设计史的工艺设计典籍《考工记》中提出天有时,地有气,材有美,工有巧。合此四者,然后可以为良的设计原则为切入点。

    This dissertation starts with the designing principle the year has seasons , the ground has spirit , materials are esthetical , techniques are skillful proposed in Skillful Techniques , a classic work about technical design which influences the history of Chinese design for thousands of years .

  21. 以科技创新为动力,以制定相应的技术产业政策和经济社会发展政策为保障,促进住宅建设的节地节能节水节材。

    To promote the saving of land , energy , water and materials in housing construction , the scientific and technical innovations are to be taken as the driving force and relevant policies for technologies , industries , economy and society are to be formulated as the guarantee .